Chapter 54: Fighting with Emotions

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Kenshin watched Alexis closely, and there was no way he was dropping his guard. He had gotten a glimpse of her skill during her sword dance, but for some reason, it looked like child's play in comparison. Just the way Alexis held herself, the sword gripped loosely but surely in her hands, her whole demeanor screamed caution, and Kenshin would be stupid to ignore it at this point.

"We have nothing to talk about."

Kenshin spoke as if he couldn't care less, but his tone and eyes were cautious, his feet not stopping as he watched Alexis slowly moving. She was watching him just as surely as he was watching her, two combatants looking for an edge or an opening to be used. Alexis' jaw clenched, her eyes flashing. Her blood red hair was pulled into a ponytail high up on her head, the silky strands flirting with the nape of her neck.

She's absolutely breathtaking....

Kenshin shook himself from his thoughts as Alexis attacked. Her movements were fluid, not a single movement wasted as she came in, her sword striking to his right side. He blocked her horizontal slash, and she followed up with a lightning fast blow to his opposite side. Kenshin's eyes narrowed, and he quickly realized, she was only testing him. She wasn't even close to getting serious yet.

"You know Kenshin, that is just one of many of your problems." Alexis spun the sword hilt casually in her hand before gripping it firmly and stepping forward. Steel clashed with a metallic ring as their blades collided, once, twice, three times in rapid succession. "The fact that you don't think we have anything to talk about just shows how clueless you really are."

Kenshin's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching.

Kenshin immediately got pissed off, and Alexis was glad to see it. Maybe for once she could get some real answers out of the bastard.

"You want to explain why the hell you didn't come see me before you left?" Alexis struck out with her blade, the steel singing through the air as it arced vertically making Kenshin dodge to the side.


Shingen gasped, turning to look at Sasuke with eyes wide in surprise. Apparently, he didn't care if Kenshin heard him since he didn't even bother to lower his voice.

"He didn't go see her before he left?" Shingen turned disbelieving eyes toward the God of War as Sasuke shook his head to the negative. "No wonder she's furious."

"What good would it do for me to visit you before I left? I told you the day before that I would see you upon returning." Kenshin's cool tone was completely at odds with the fire in his eyes, although from the fight or the conversation, no one was sure. Kenshin swung his sword, actually getting into the fight as he was easily parried by Alexis. Her eyes narrowed, coral pink lips thinning into a line.

"The day before? You mean when you left me on the futon in your room? Is that the 'when' you are speaking about?" The exact amount of Alexis' ire was not lost on the men watching, her sword flashed yet again, and had Kenshin been a lesser swordsman, his head would have likely separated from his shoulders.

"His room??" Shingen turned again to Sasuke with a huge wide smile. Sasuke coughed, pushing up his glasses awkwardly.

"I might have interrupted....." Sasuke said the words a bit softly, but both Shingen and Yukimura heard him over the ringing of steel as Kenshin and Alexis continued their fight. Yukimura started turning several shades of red.

"Umm....guys? Should we really be here listening to this?"


The Warlord and the Ninja responded at the same time, their attentions solely on the conflict in front of them. Alexis wasn't done yet. Not nearly.

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