Chapter 55: A Long Night (LEMON/NSFW!!!)

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Ok I know this had taken forever to get this chapter written and posted. I'm not completely happy with it, but its my first try for a lemon. If you don't like sexually explicit content, you can skip this chapter, it won't mess with the story. This is my very first attempt at writing this type of content and to be honest, there is no way in hell I would ever be able to read this out loud without turning into an embarrassed mess...

That being said please enjoy...or not. I need to go bathe in holy water now.....

The door to Kenshin's room had, thankfully, been left open, but it was unknown if that was from haste or design. Kenshin's lips left those of Alexis as he raised his head upon entering the room, sliding the door shut with his foot before whirling around. The haste in his stride would have put a speed walker to shame, and in moments he lowered Alexis down into the softness of his futon.

Kenshin reluctantly disentangled himself from her, sitting back as the alluring red-head sank into the futon. Alexis's eyes narrowed as words of protest left her lips, sending a delicious shiver down Kenshin's spine at the husky tones in her voice.

"Don't you dare let me go now....."

Kenshin quirked an elegant eyebrow as he looked down at the gorgeous woman in his bed.

As if I would let you get away from me....

With a superhuman speed, Kenshin removed his sword and its sheath setting them to the side of the futon, but still well within an arm's reach, the sword Alexis still held taken from her and placed alongside. They were both lucky they hadn't been cut by the sharp steel during their hasty trip from the dojo.

"I don't intend to...."


Alexis reached up for Kenshin as he moved over her, the solid weight of his lean and muscular body pressing her deeper into the covers. Lips met again in a urgent kiss as Alexis's arms found their way around Kenshin's broad shoulders once more, her fingers splaying across his kimono, trying to pull him even closer.

There was no way Alexis could resist him, not now, not ever. Kenshin's lips sealed to hers with an almost bruising force, his tongue thrusting into the hot recesses of her mouth as she yielded to him. Heat rose between them, the deep kiss only fanning the flames of desire. Alexis wanted, no needed, more. They panted into each other, the heat of their bodies rising and mingling, threatening to turn the futon to ashes. His tongue thrust into her mouth, over and over, mimicking the slow grinding movements of his hips against her body.

She was limp with wanton desire by the time the kiss broke, but there was nothing at all limp about Kenshin. The feel of him, hard and heavy, through the fabric still covering the two of them was driving her crazy, molten heat pooling low in her body. His hands moved, already untying the cords of her obi.


Alexis whispered his name, her voice raw and hoarse with need, her hands going to his. Kenshin stopped, looking down at Alexis with a frown, as if even pausing to speak was utter torment.

"I know. I'm sorry. It must seem like I'm hurrying things, but...."

The look on his face was heartbreaking, as if he was assaulting her against her will but couldn't contain himself.

If he thinks I'm trying to STOP him, he really has a lot to learn...

Alexis pushed his hands to the side, drawing the last of the cords of her obi away herself, forcing a surprised look from Kenshin's ethereal features.

"Alexis, are you...?"

"Quit apologizing...I Love you and there is no way in Hell I don't want this...." Alexis couldn't help the breathy hot tone as she spoke, her beautiful blue eyes meeting his and a impatient smirk across her lips. "But are really taking too damn long...".

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