Chapter 6: God of War

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I stood there frozen, fully aware of the close proximity of the deadly blade at my throat, knowing a single wrong move would end my life in a gush of red.

Kenshin stood close, the cold stare of his eyes meeting mine in the dim light, and I stood there, staring right back. Wow. Heterochromia. His left eye was blue as a summer sky, while his right, was the color of the finest jade. I guess history forgot that part. His white blonde hair was short, falling almost into his eyes, and against all common sense, I wasn't afraid. On the contrary, I was getting pissed.

I stared right back at him, deep blue eyes meeting the odd colors of his, and I was sure that if my sight had edge, he would end up cut. Quickly, I calculated my odds. There was no hesitation in his eyes, and I felt with a certainty that he would have no problem killing me right here and now. The only odd factor was if he, like the rest of the men of the Sengoku period, would underestimate me as well. I figured the odds were with me, and as I knew my own abilities, it gave me more courage than was probably healthy.

"Get that blade put away or I'm going to shove it up your ass." Never mind the probably, I apparently have a death wish.

My voice was tinged with irritation and malice, and I could care less who it was in front of me. Kenshin Uesugi may be my idol of the Sengoku period, but right now all bets were off.

The only clue I had that Kenshin had heard me, was the look he gave. His eyes, those beautiful, mismatched eyes, widened just a bit, as if he couldn't believe what he just heard. The ice and steel melted just enough, the resolve still there, but his look switched from murderous to a surprised curiosity. It seems to be a standard for me, and apparently, no matter the time period, I still confuse the hell outta men.

Just then, the door not far from us that led into the inn proper slid open, Sasuke with a tray, on the other side.
Neither Kenshin or I flinched, both continuing to stare at the other, refusing to back down and look toward the new arrival. It wasn't a bad thing.

Kenshin was more than eye candy, he was a full seven course meal and I stared back devouring the sight. I know full well Sasuke heard my comment, and he took in the situation in less than a heartbeat. He placed the tray on the floor and instantly took a knee, not looking up in deference to his lord, and spoke in a quiet and soothing manner, as if trying to calm a raging beast.

"Please forgive our intrusion my Lord Kenshin. This is Alexis, and she is an old friend from my youth." You aren't that damn old Sasuke.... "I had hoped to be here when you awoke and been able to introduce you properly."

I could sense the pleading in Sasuke's voice, but his words were simply factual, with no emotional inflection to be detected by someone who had not known him as long as I had. I continued to stare at Kenshin, not willing to back down in the slightest. Weakness will make you a this time period I fully believed that, and in this case, my instincts weren't wrong.

Kenshin broke eye contact with me, looking instead to Sasuke, the man who was obviously a very loyal retainer. Sasuke had said he saved Kenshin's life, but he didn't say how. It was obvious that over the past four years, there was an extreme level of trust, if not friendship, that had built between them. I highly doubted Kenshin would have backed down for anyone else. It was only with the slightest hesitation, before Kenshin dropped his sword, sliding it into its sheath. I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding, and it looked like Sasuke did the same.

"Alexis, huh?" Kenshin looked as if he wanted to say more and stopped. "Why on earth you decided to entertain some woman here I have no idea." Kenshin turned and walked two paces away before pulling his sword to place next to him, and sitting down.

One Bright Day in the Middle of the NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora