Chapter 38: Moonstruck

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You know, I never used to mind the quiet. At least when I had more things to do. These days it seems like all my nights are filled with quiet, but that may have more to do with the fact I'm stuck in the damn dungeon than anything else.

Light from the lantern reflected off the walls, sending crisscrossed shadows cascading across the cell as I attempted to read. The slight bit of glow from the window high up in the wall told me there must be a moon out tonight. It had gotten dark out, and for the last couple days I actually got out my cell at this time of evening, either to spar with Sasuke or for the banquet last night. Since Sasuke is off doing recon for Kenshin regarding the Lord who sent the assassin after us, I highly doubt that I will get to go play in the training dojo,

A heaved a sigh, depressed in a way. I'm lonely, and I miss having company. I swear I think I've re-read the same sentence half a dozen times already, but that just could be my lack of skills in kanji. I wonder if there's any chance of Kenshin coming to visit me tonight?

Damn, I've completely lost it. Here I am longing for the company of the man who put me in here. If it wasn't for the fact that I was in love with him -before- he put me in the dungeon, I'd suspect Stockholm Syndrome. I gave a small snort of self-derision, almost laughing at how pathetic I've become lately. I keep telling myself that Kenshin will come around sooner or later, but more and more I think I'm deluding myself. It's either that or I'm just impatient, and of course I know I am. I always want everything -now-. I keep getting such mixed signals from the guy. It makes my head spin.

I tried avoiding him in the past, and even he mentioned that I kept running from him. I mean come on... We were, and technically still are, on two different sides of a conflict over territory in Japan. While I do still agree with Nobunaga's ideals, it's not really like I have a say in any of it. Especially now. Now, though, it seems like seeing Kenshin is the highlight of my day.

Just as I was sunk into my own little pity party, I heard the sound of familiar footsteps, and instantly felt a kaleidoscope of butterflies kicking my chest. I slowly closed the book I was reading, and looked over to the bars of my cell as Kenshin strode forward, coming up to the bars on the other side.

"Alexis, we are going out."

I was more than a little shocked as Kenshin unlocked the door to my cell and put in his hand to assist me.

"I didn't think I would be seeing you today." I stood and walked over to him, unable to keep the surprise off my face. "And did you say we are going out?"

"Yes. We're going outside."

Ok, now I love the idea of getting the hell out of here, even for a little bit. I also love the idea that it's with Kenshin. It's really sudden though, and I can't help but to wonder what he's thinking this time. Kenshin stood at the doorway, still holding his hand out to me, fully expecting me to take it.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to." Oh, hell! I jumped at the chance before it was pulled from my grasp, taking Kenshin's hand in an instant.

"No, no....I definitely do want to go out."

More than you can imagine either, especially if it's with you. I wasn't going to tell him that though. After already giving major hints about how I feel about him, I wasn't going to put myself out there again right away.


My breath caught in my throat as Kenshin pulled me close. In the dim rays of light from the lantern, I was treated to a gorgeous smile from Kenshin. He seemed more than pleased, and he completely took my breath away, making my heart hammer in my chest, my pulse racing. Damn. I almost hate how he makes me feel, but I don't want it to stop.

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