Chapter 34: Dancing with Swords

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The routine I was about to show I had put together about two years prior based on the requirements of one of the competitions. It's a lot like an acrobatic floor routine found in gymnastics, just with martial arts and usually sharp pointy objects.

To be fair, the swords used in competition were fake, but I was always the weird one who liked to use a wooden sword for practice. They were much heavier, and were more like an actual blade. The ones regularly used were flexible, and I didn't really like using them except when I had to. I liked to use the solid wooden training swords the same size and weight of an actual blade, and it's a good thing too. No way in hell I'd consider doing this otherwise.

It's not as if I'm not skilled, far from it. Using an actual blade is a world of difference from the competition pieces, and infinitely more dangerous. One wrong move or slip and someone could be injured or worse. I really was looking forward to it. Adrenaline junky? Me? NAH...

I looked down at the sword in my hands as I came to the center of the room. It was an amazing piece, finely made and sharper than anything I had ever touched. Of course, it would have to be. I remembered seeing Kenshin use this exact sword during the battle with the Oda forces, and it effortlessly cut though flesh as if through hot butter. I faced Kenshin, moving my eyes from the blade to that glorious marble facade of his angelic features.

"Himezuru Ichimonji, hmm?" I twirled the sword carefully in my hand, the steel reflecting light from the room as it moved in a graceful arc. "Very nice balance."

It was true, the hilt and blade were balanced perfectly. The hilt was slightly heavier, allowing for good grip even when slick with blood, and the blade while strong was also slightly flexible.

"Of course." Kenshin narrowed his eyes at me slightly, not quite sure now that my hands were on his sword, but his words came out with their usual cold arrogance.

"Did you think that -I- would have an inferior weapon?"

"Not at all. I expect the Dragon of Echigo to have an exceptional sword... my Lord." My voice had gone an octave lower, taking on a sultry, teasing tone. "I do so look forward to testing it." The words came out dripping in seduction, my lips turning up into a slight smile.

Oh, Hell Kenshin...Did you have to leave me THAT kind of an opening? I gave a wicked grin, my eyes sparkling with mischievous intent. I know he didn't intend that, but I heard Shingen cough, trying to hold back a comment.

The entire room looked from me to Kenshin, mouths open in shock at my words, and said in front of everyone. It appears that such bold and open flirting isn't that common in this time, and especially in front of an audience. Yay, me. I really did relish the reactions.

To his credit, Kenshin kept his face carefully neutral, but the clench of his jaw, and that fire in his eyes let me know he got my meaning. I heard a slightly strangled sound and my eyes were pulled slightly to the side where Shingen sat on the dais flanked by Sasuke and Yuki.

Shingen was trying his damnedest to keep his mouth shut, probably knowing that a single peep from him would have Kenshin's hands around his neck in an instant. At this point, I doubted Yuki would ever be the same color again, his face so deep red he was almost purple. Sasuke just shook his head, used to my brand of flirting after all this time, but still a bit shocked at my boldness. I smiled, using the sword to salute instead of bowing.

I looked back at Kenshin and his eyes were dark, a dangerous gleam and a wealth of promise in their depths. When this was over, it was extremely apparent that he was going to try to get me back for this. With interest, I might add. I was looking forward to seeing him try, my heart speeding up at just the thought. Still staring at Kenshin, I sank down into a guard stance, my thighs parallel to the ground, the sword horizontally at the ready. I began to move.

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