Chapter 41: The Grand Tour

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It took a couple of steps before I finally came to my senses, my hand still held in his, graceful fingers enveloping my hand warmly. I had to at least make some sort of conversation.

"When are you going to be leaving?"

Yukimura had mentioned it already, but I wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth so to speak.

"Dawn tomorrow." Kenshin didn't stop walking, but he did slow his pace as we got closer to emerging from the dungeon. "I hear that the commander of the Sassa forces is a talented man. I look forward to meeting him in battle."

I looked over at Kenshin's profile and I could almost see the wheels turning as he turned over obviously pleasurable scenarios in his head. He actually looked similar to how I do when I get a new fabric or a new sparring partner. It was almost to bizarre to contemplate.

Kenshin let go of my hand and opened the large double doors that led from the dungeon to the outside courtyard. The dungeon here was a bit different from the one in Azuchi, the entrance being a large part. Where the dungeon in Azuchi castle was in the basement of the tenshu, this one opened into the courtyard beyond. From a security standpoint, Azuchi's was significantly better, but this one was a bit more removed from the castle proper. Sunlight spilled in the doorway, and I couldn't help but notice the pleased look Kenshin had.

"You really are looking forward to the fight, aren't you?" Kenshin paused in his strides, stopping to look at me questioningly.

"I already said as much. My skills have grown dull with no good opportunities to exercise them. I'm going to enjoy it immensely."

Kenshin wore a feral grin, anticipating the next days to come. I knew he was going to go all out and have fun doing it, but I couldn't help but be worried about him anyway. Concern must have been etched across my face because Kenshin noticed it quickly.

"You don't seem pleased. I'll only be gone for five days. Maybe less." While I didn't want to admit I was worried, I wanted to admit I'd miss him even less.

"I don't like or agree with the whole idea of war, but I do understand the necessity of it at times. Conflict is a big part of your life, and I'm not going to pretend that it isn't."

Kenshin stared at me, surprised at my words.

"I forget how strong you are." He started walking again and I couldn't help being a little irritated, muttering to myself as I walked.

"Maybe if I kick your ass in a sparring match, you'd quit forgetting...."

"What was that?"

Kenshin paused and turned to look at me, a slight note of warning in his tone. I sighed, knowing the whole idea was more than likely not happening anytime soon.

"Nothing important."

As we neared the main building, Kenshin started to get a bit...fidgety....for lack of a better word. He wasn't exactly happy, that was for sure, and it took me a minute to figure out why.

"Stay close. Don't leave my side."

His cold tone held a hint of nervous command, and by those words alone I realized he was still having a problem with having others see me. I chose to take him in the literal sense, knowing that anything else would be vehemently denied anyway.

"You really don't understand me well if you think that I'm going to run off after all this." 

Kenshin must really not understand that he's the reason I'm still here. I tried to calm his fears just a bit.

"You could always do something to ensure I stay close...." I already missed my hand in his, the little comfort I had while we came up the steps from the dungeon.

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