Chapter 30: It's Called a Fluffle...

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I couldn't quite tell if it was morning or night, the window high up in the wall of my cell gave me a bit of a clue. My night had been a sleepless one, my tossing and turning the effect of a mind running full speed off the nearest cliff. I was more than sure my eyes were still puffy from crying and lack of good sleep, a fact reiterated by the comments of Sasuke when he brought me my breakfast.

"You look like you had a hard night." I was more than sure he was being kind. I gave him a non-committal grunt as I took my tray and sat down next to the bars.

"Yeah, well, you should see the other guy." I got a look from Sasuke that read more into my statement than I wanted.

"I did see 'the other guy', and he's confused as hell with no clue what to do about anything right now."

"I'm not sure whether to be pleased or upset about that, but I see my ability to confuse the hell out of men is still alive and kicking."

I gave Sasuke a reassuring grin, and as much as it sounds petty, I felt a little better knowing Kenshin was having a hard time. Maybe he really didn't know what to say, or even know if he should have said anything to me at all. I found that little bit of knowledge perked me up quite a bit.

"I do have good news for you though." I froze in mid-bite of my omelet, setting my chopsticks down.


Are you going to tell me that some good came out of baring my soul to someone who could care less? I was being to harsh. I knew that. My eyes met Sasuke's and widened a bit at the very slight grin he wore across his usually completely calm face.

"He isn't allowing you a Shinai in your cell." I schooled my face into an impassive mask, not allowing my disappointment to show. That idea went right out my window at his next words.

"Kenshin is allowing you, instead, to use his personal dojo for training purposes." Instead of giving me an inch, Kenshin gave me a mile. "I am supposed to tell him whenever you will be using it and I'll be your guard and sparring partner during if that's alright. It's only at night though."

"Are you serious?" I couldn't have been more surprised than if he had told me himself. A feeling of almost relief surged up inside me, bringing with it hope that he had actually listened to me.

"You'll have to forgive Kenshin for not telling you himself." I couldn't contain the surprise on my face. Now he's psychic too? Damn his mad ninja skillz. "He is actually getting ready to host some of the neighboring daimyo tomorrow with a banquet."

"You guys throw a lot of parties here."

I was more than a little jealous. They get to party upstairs while my ass is stuck in a cell. My expressive face once more got me into something I really didn't want to answer. I tried to cover by lifting my cup and taking a sip of my tea. Sasuke looked at me carefully, and I could almost hear the gears in his head grinding together.

"Did you want to come to the banquet tomorrow night?" I set my cup down carefully, almost as if by disturbing it, it would disturb my chances for going.

"I would love to, but I am sure Kenshin won't agree to it." I was pouting, and I knew it. Sasuke just looked at me impassively, the light glinting in his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sure if you brought it up next time you see him, you might be pleasantly surprised at his answer." Considering I doubt I'll be seeing him anytime soon, I wasn't going to put much weight on that hope. I had to have scared him off for oh, a good day or two. Again, Sasuke read me like a book.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you saw him later, actually. Once he has gotten some of his work done that is."

"You really need to stop doing that mind reading thing, Sasuke. It's creepy."

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