Chapter 21: Alone in the Rain

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I had searched the room with my eyes, trying to avoid the asinine comments from a drunken Sasuke, wondering where Alexis had gone. I found her sitting next to Shingen, and again he was too close. She looked sad again, but this time, was it from something Shingen had said to her? She moved a bit away from him and our drinking continued. Alexis wasn't the same the rest of the night after talking to Shingen. I may have to kill him after all. Tonight's a good night....

She stood up, excusing herself.

"I think that it's time I get going." She stood up and stretched, arching her back with her hands on her hips. I couldn't look away. But she's leaving?

"You're leaving already?" Yukimura was surprised but not too concerned.

"That's a shame. I really was enjoying our time together." Shingen gave her a smile I really didn't like.

"It was a good party." Alexis beamed a smile at the room. "Thanks. Thank Sasuke for me too, when he wakes up?"

My ninja had finally passed out a little bit ago after lecturing me on how I should treat women, and how I wasn't good enough for Alexis. As if it's any of his business.

Why is she going to go out alone? Even as much as I knew I shouldn't, I couldn't help but speak up. I know she can easily flip a man to the ground, but that isn't enough to rely on to defend herself.

"Wait. A woman shouldn't be out on her own at night." Alexis turned to me with a thin little smile on her lips, and it looked forced.

"Thanks for the concern, but I'll be fine. Enjoy the rest of the party, Kenshin."

She left so fast it was like she was fleeing the room. Something's not right. I should go and talk to her. No, what good would that really do? My chest was still clenched with an unease that my thoughts alone wouldn't be able to unravel. She doesn't matter to me. She can do whatever it is she wants.

A large drop fell through the dark night, splattering wetly on the windowsill. It's raining? In moments, the sky was filled with streaks of silver, rain falling like threads.

"Heaven's tears are falling, and poor Alexis is alone with no umbrella." Shingen turned to look at me as he spoke, and I knew good and well he was gauging my reaction. Don't look at me like that you annoying bastard.

"Yukimura, go borrow an umbrella from the inn and bring it to her." I wasn't going to give in to Shingen.

Sasuke was still on the floor, and as Yukimura went to walk past, Sasuke grabbed his ankle as he went to leave.
"Yukimura, No. You do not want to be the bottom corner in a triangle. Not in this weather."

"You're awake? What's this about triangles?"

"Goodnight." Sasuke passed back out, still holding on to Yukimura, who was trying to remove himself from the ninjas grip.

"Fine. I'll go." Clearly, there was no way I could leave this up to those two idiots, and Shingen was definitely not going. Disappointed, I left the three of them, and went for an umbrella.


Once Kenshin had left the room, Shingen smiled widely, like a cat that ate the canary.

"The old umbrella in the rain ploy. That's a really good one. I can't believe I'm letting Kenshin have it." Shingen shook his head in slight disbelief and poured himself another sake, an ironic smile gracing his lips.


I don't think she's gotten far. I raced through the rain searching for her. She was standing with her back to the wall of one of the buildings, seeking protection under the eaves. What is she doing there? That's barely shelter. I slowed down trying to look casual, and called out to her. I watched as her eyes widened in astonishment as she finally spotted me. I walked up to her, and slowly extended the umbrella, shielding her from the rain.

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