Chapter 23: Surprise Prisoner

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I had collapsed into the futon in my tent without even undressing, only pausing to place my sword within easy reach next to me, before falling into an uneasy sleep. I couldn't say what it was that woke me. I only know what when I opened my eyes I saw a man above me, an unsheathed dagger in his hand.

A second man grabbed the first from behind, attempting to stop the first from plunging the knife down into my chest.

"She is to be taken unharmed!" The man with the knife tossed the other off him, but it was just enough time.

My assassin's eyes glittered in the dim light and I moved, rolling to my side as his arm came down, plunging instead into the futon where I had just lain. Akumahomura slid from her sheath like a sigh, and I slammed her blade across the back of the man who just tried to kill me. I didn't have time to think about if I had dealt a killing blow or not, as the man who distracted my would-be assassin grabbed my arm, attempting to restrain me.

As if I would let him. I grabbed his hand in mine and twisted, unable to throw him away from me without dropping my sword. The satisfying pop of bones breaking was the last thing I heard before a felt the blow to the back of my head. I tried to remain standing, but my sword hit the dirt with a softened thud, and I fell unconscious to the ground.


"Where is Alexis?" Nobunaga looked around as the sky started to turn from the black of night to the dark blue of predawn. Mitsunari was also preparing to leave, and instantly was on edge. "It's not like her to keep me waiting."

"My Lords! The Princess!" The two warlords looked at each other for a heartbeat before rushing off towards the tent Alexis had been using. Nobunaga pushed in first, and gazed at the scene before him.

A man lie dead, partially on the futon, his blood pooling around him from a mortal wound across his back, a dagger sticking from the ground in the middle of the futon itself. Alexis' sword lie forgotten on the grass, blood coating the blade like a thick syrup. Alexis herself was no where to be found, but in her place sat a letter.

Mitsunari had come into the tent by then, and his face went grim with horror. He stepped forward, his fingers going to the blood from the corpse, now cooled and congealed to a jelly. Mitsunari nudged the corpse with his foot, the body stiff with rigor mortis.

"He was killed at least three hours ago my Lord. Possibly more." With this observation he picked up the letter, briefly looking at it, before he held it out to Nobunaga.

"It's addressed to you my Lord."

Nobunaga opened the letter, scanning its contents quickly before handing it back to Mitsunari.

"He's bolder than I expected, but she didn't make it easy for them." Mitsunari read the letter after Nobunaga spoke.

"Your concubine belongs to Kenshin Uesugi now. If you wish her returned unharmed, be prepared to negotiate." Mitsunari's face fell, worry creasing his angelic brow. Nobunaga clenched his jaw, his eyes hard.

"Kenshin is at least honorable. We shouldn't need to worry over her safety." A slight smile came to his face. "Besides, she may yet find her way back to us."

Mitsunari considered his words, and nodded.

"That is true. Our Princess has surprised us more than once." He looked at the carnage still in the tent. "It's very possible Kenshin underestimates her as well."

"Continue with the retreat. We need to return to Azuchi." With finality, Nobunaga left the tent, leaving Mitsunari to pick Alexis' sword from the ground.


I wasn't sure how long I'd been out cold, but it didn't seem to be long. I quickly took stock of my condition and my surroundings, keeping as calm as possible. Panic wouldn't help things at all. I appeared to be in a box of some sort, not tiny, but not huge either, and I was moving. A palanquin maybe? Unfortunately for me it didn't appear to have any openings I could see immediately, but that just told me it was still dark out, with no light from the outside.

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