Chapter 7: Bait the Hook

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Sasuke walked me back to the castle in silence, and not far from the gate, gave me a brief hug before melting back into the shadows. Huh, handy skill that. I wandered back in through the castle gate, my mind whirling.

I had been caught off guard back at the inn, and I didn't like it in the least. I would need to start training again, and soon, if I wanted to make sure I survive in this time period. My hand to hand skills are good, very good, but my sword skills are better. I wasn't sure if I wanted to advertise either though. Not to mention that women in this time don't use weapons, so I wasn't sure how to approach it. I was still turning over my options in my head when I came to my room, and found Mitsunari knocking on the door.

"Did you need something, Mitsunari?" I was curious, and for the first time, there was no genuine smile across that angelic face. He was serious, and it really made me uneasy.

"Lord Nobunaga has asked me to bring you to him." If I was uneasy a second ago, those few words caused a small ball of dread take residence in my stomach. It was late, so whatever he wanted from me, couldn't be good. I nodded, allowing Mitsunari to lead me further into the center castle and up the center stair case.

Lord Nobunaga's express domain lie in the upper three floors of the castle, with the very top being his room exclusively. I couldn't take it. I had to try and see what the hell was up, especially since we just passed the first floor of the Lord's quarters, and we were still going up. Crap.

"Did Lord Nobunaga happen to say what it is he wanted?" Mitsunari glanced back at me, not even pausing in his strides.

"That is not for me to say." I went quiet again, and we quickly came to the door to Nobunaga's room. Mitsunari rapped his knuckles lightly on the doorway announcing our presence.

"Enter." Nobunaga's deep baritone commanded from inside the room. Mitsunari slid open the door and I stood there nervously looking into the opulent room. As I went to take a step forward, Mitsunari stepped close, his voice a whisper in my ear.

"Don't fret. Nothing is going to happen to you, and I will be right here." His assurances almost fell on deaf ears. I know good and well that if ordered to do so, Mitsunari would be gone in a shot. It did, however ease my mind a bit. If there was going to be any 'funny business', I highly doubt Mitsunari was going to be right there for it. Whatever it was that had Mitsunari upset, didn't seem to have anything to do with me directly.

Nobunaga looked up from the book he was reading while lounging on the tatami mat in front of his desk. He looked at me as I approached, and motioned for me to sit. Mitsunari slid the door closed, and stood back, and a quick glance his way was enough to tell me how very unhappy he was about something. I gave Nobunaga my full attention a second later as I kneeled down near the desk.

"You asked to see me, my Lord." I forced my voice as neutral as possible, but boldly looked at him. My demeanor must have amused him, as that slow wicked smile curled around his face, although his dark eyes remained cold.

"I did." He set his book down and looked at me in open appraisal. "Tomorrow you shall accompany me as I tour a couple of villages in my fief. We leave early in the morning." He looked past me to Mitsunari at the door.

"You will see to it that she is dressed and ready."

"My Lord, are you sure that..." Mitsunari's voice sounded a cross between upset and questioning. His sentence was abruptly cut off.

"I have made up my mind in this matter, Mitsunari. Do you insist on questioning me?" Nobunaga's voice was cold, his eyes sharp as they bore into the face of his vassal.

"No, my Lord." Mitsunari sounded resigned, giving a slight sigh.

"Good." Nobunaga turned his attention back to me, and my mouth went dry. "I shall see you at dawn, Alexis." His eyes stared into mine, filled with dark promise should I attempt to defy him. "Do not keep me waiting."

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