Over Worked

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Jimi finally gets to come home tomorrow!  I have been coming home every night for the comfort of the bed and my back. Elijah is with me along with Joyce, I'll take them to see Jimi for a while and have dinner there and then either Phillip or Kim offers to take them so I can be with Jimi. After visiting hours are over I go pick Them both up and we go home. After two weeks of Jimi there and not home, I'm tired of travelling and trying to get everything done while visiting. I ain't home so I do all my house chores at night after I put Joyce and E to bed at 8-8:30. I don't get to sleep until maybe midnight. The latest at 2am. I sleep for 3 maybe 4 hours depending on when Joyce wakes through the night and in the morning. Elijah gets up at 7 and by then Joyce and I are down stairs with breakfast made. I shower in the nights when both kids are asleep and I have the baby monitor with me.

Having a high risk pregnant at 46 years old and currently mothering a kid and a toddler by myself while my husband is broken at the hospital is very stressful. My morning sickness started lasting all mornings and afternoons of every day. I have another appointment tomorrow for me and the baby. I know I need to slow down but I can't until Jimi is healed. Even when he gets home he'll be slow and sore and just be on bed rest with his ankle and ribs. So I'll continue to do stuff. But having him home saves traveling and it's easier on me.

I look at the time on my night stand after I shower and change for bed. 3:27am. I lay down and fall asleep until Joyce Wakes me at 4:45 I move her in my room so I can lay her down beside me and fall back in bed. Once she goes back down she wakes up at 6. I change her diaper and clothes and go make breakfast. Elijah comes down around 7 and eats. Once done I take him up and he gets dressed and I put stuff in their bags to take to Kimberly's today. I get them both in the car and drive to the hospital. I take them to Jimi holding Elijah and Joyce's hands. I go into Jimi's room and he's awake and sitting up. Elijah runs beside him and climbs up on the bed to lay beside him. I pick up Joyce and pass her to Jimi. I kiss Jimi good morning.

"Hey baby, how was last night with the kids? They were good?" I sit down by his feet and sets a hand on his leg.
"Yeah they were."
"What time did you sleep?"
"Around 3:30 And up at 4:45 back to sleep by 5:15 then up for the day at 6."
"Babe you need more sleep. That was 2 hours of sleep. How often are you like this..?"
"Last two weeks dear."
"It needs to stop."
"Can't. Stuff needs to get done."
"Not right now."
"How was your morning sickness?"
"Like usual. I threw up twice this morning. And now my stomach is just turning."
"Baby I'm sorry I'm not home to help. You're tired and don't need to be doin everything..."
"I'm fine..."
"You're not. You have bags under your eyes, you barely keep your eyes open. Wondering how you even drive. And your pregnant which makes you tired anyways. And the throwing up ain't helping."
"Like I said. Things need to get done. My appointment is soon."
"You can't solve this conversation by leaving."
"I can. Watch the kids. I'll be back." I give Elijah and Joyce a kiss on their heads and I kiss Jimi's lips and walk to the next floor up which is the maternity floor. I go to the desk and fill out the paper and wait. Once called they take me back they ask me questions, I don't lie to them and tell them everything. They look at the baby.
"The Baby is healthy, right size... making good progress. But the mommy is gonna have to take it easy. There is some stress and it needs to stop. I know your husband is admitted here, but you need to get more sleep and do less. And don't lift heavy things. Be on a better diet then cafe food here or fast food. And drink more water, your H20 levels are low. If you don't follow these instructions by the next appointment then I'll put you on strict bedrest."
"Okay. My husband comes home today. Or at least I hope he does. So things will be better. And I'll try my hardest to settle down."
"Okay. So since you're two and a half months, I'm gonna start moving your appointment to monthly. Everything seems to be good. Just follow as I say and everything should be fine. Any problems or questions come in or call."
"Thank you."

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