Chapter ONE : Going Out

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A/N : 

before anyone reads this book i'd just like to make a disclaimer that this book is a fanfiction, which means this book was made from my imagination and not real. if you disagree with whatever i write, please feel free to click out at anytime. 

now you can enjoy the book you beautiful human being. ;)  

Chapter One : 

"Liza Koshy and David Dobrik just dropped a big bombshell on all of us with their breakup YouTube video and it's honestly crushing us all--" the lady from E! News begins to explain and I quickly turn off the television. 

"We get it," I say as I throw the remote control on my couch and walk into my room. 

By my reaction, you can probably assume that I am not the biggest fan of David Dobrik or Liza Koshy; don't get me wrong I think they're great people, well maybe only Liza. But, I've heard enough about their breakup. It's literally all over social media and I can't  do it anymore. 

Or I can't do it with seeing David Dobrik's name literally everywhere. We have quite a lot of history and to be honest, I don't want to think about it right now because I am going to go out with the girls tonight and I am going to forget all about David Dobrik! 

And speaking of the girls, the doorbell begins to ring and it's probably them all dolled up and ready to go because honey, I am. 

I open the door to meet eyes with Eleanor, Mckayla, and Brianna. A sigh of relief washes over me now that they are finally here and I let them in. 

"How are you doing," Mckayla asks as she walks in and I close the door. I lean against it and sigh. 

"I'm ready to go out," I tell her and she shakes her head as she takes a seat on my couch.

"It's been three years. Get. Over. It," Eleanor says and I shake my head. I also smile because I know that she is right but . . . I'm possibly never going to get over him because he hurt me. 

"Leave her alone. We would all still be hurting if he, who shall not be named, did the same thing to us," Brianna says and I laugh as I walk over to my couch and take a seat. 

This is a perfect representation of how my friend group is. Yes, I understand it's not that big but, these are the three people I trust most in my life. Mckayla is usually the one concerned with our well being, while Eleanor will give everything straight to you, and then you have Breanna who will back you up no matter what. 

"Thank you Brianna but, Eleanor is right. I should get over him and I will. After tonight, when there is a lot of alcohol in my system," I tell her and they all shake their head. 

"So, on that note we're all ready to--"

"Rock and roll," we all finish what Eleanor was going to say and we laugh at how stupid we are. It's just a little saying that we've had since high school and we can't seem to get rid of it, it's apart of us now. 

"We're so stupid," Brianna says and I nod in agreeance. 

We grab all of our belongings, or maybe just me, and we head out the door. Today Eleanor, is our designated driver which she mostly always is because Eleanor does not like to drink. You can tell she didn't have a good experience in high school. 

I'm kidding because we're her friends and we would never let that happen. 

We're going to Chicago which is about less than an hour away from my house because there is literally nothing in Vernon Hills and I need a really good club to go to tonight. 

"Rules for tonight," Mckayla begins to say as we are getting onto the highway and I groan. Mckayla always has rules when we go out to make sure that we are safe and end up in one piece but, screw the rules! I want to have fun tonight. 

"Number one: no going to the restroom alone, all four of us go. Number two: do not leave each others side, we all know what happened last time," Mckayla says making eye contact with me and I roll my eyes. 

It was just one time that I wanted some fresh air and somebody just tried to pull me into their car.

"And number three: we all leave together," she finishes and we are all shaking our heads at how motherly she is being. 

"But, what if we meet somebody," Brianna asks and I laugh. Brianna is probably just joking when she is asking this question because she is in a relationship with her boyfriend, Noah, and they have been going two years strong. I'm practically just begging Noah to ask the question already. 

"No," Mckayla states and we laugh. 

For the car ride there, there is a lot of singing and snapchat stories being made. It makes the car ride go faster and I am thankful for it because being on my phone is a torture. 

We get there and park where we normally do. The club that we go to is one where you have your name on a list to get in but, thankfully Eleanor is friends with the owner of this club and our names are always on the list. 

When we walk into the club it is in full motion. The music is blasting and people look like they are having a really good time which is what I am all about. 

"Now, who wants a drink," I say to them and they all give me their orders before I walk over to the bartender and trust me when I say; I walked over there, another ten times. 


so, what did you guys think of the first chapter? i know that it's a little boring but, i just wanted to give you an introduction of the girls; the real tea is in the next chapter. my uploading days will be: monday, wednesday, friday, like david :) 

be sure to like and comment :]

see you guys next chapter <3 

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