Chapter FORTY-THREE : Too Much Thinking

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Chapter Forty-Three : 

"I told you guys not to do anything crazy while I was gone," Ilya says as he walks in with me looking at my very sparkly wedding ring.

"It was not my doing. It was all David," I say smiling and he walks over to me and grabs my hand. His eyes go wide and then he turns to look at David.

"I never thought you would be the type of person to propose and even if you were, I would have never expected you to propose in a hospital," Ilya says and we laugh.

"If I didn't do it now then when was it going to happen," David says and Ilya lets go of my hand and gives David a bro-five/hug.

"Congratulations man, you really got yourself a catch," Ilya says to David and I shake my head at their weirdness.

"I know," he says and I roll my eyes.

"How are you going to tell everyone, they're going to think it's a prank," Ilya says and David shrugs.

"Once they see the ring on her finger and the invitations, they'll know. And even if they don't believe it, I don't want the engagement to be long so it's won't take a while for us to say I do," he says and Ilya gives me a look.

"We already talked about it, you took really long to eat," I say and he shakes his head.

"Does Natalie know," Ilya asks and David nods.

"She's known ever since Bella came to LA," he says and I give him a look.

"What if I didn't fall for you again," I say and David raises an eyebrow. Ilya shakes his head and goes to take a seat.

"Again? Bella let's be honest, you never had to fall for me again because deep down inside you knew you still had feelings for me; the pieces just needed to be put together again," he says and I scoff.

"Your cockiness needs to go down it a bit, your head is starting to grow bigger as we speak," I say and he laughs.

"No that's just my heart because I love you that much," he says and I roll my eyes and Ilya groans.

"See this is what I don't miss from you guys," Ilya says and David and I laugh.


It's been almost a few hours since David proposed to me but, it is already night time and David and Ilya are asleep on the couch. The lights are off because I am supposed to be asleep too but, I somehow can't fall asleep.

My body doesn't want to so, I might as well stay up and daydream if I can't dream.

Every time I look at the ring, I think of a different scenario that can happen for David and I's future.

He could leave me at the altar and go search for Liza or David and I get married and have kids, I know we're young but that doesn't mean it's not gonna happen.

I don't even know if David wants kids but, I do. I want all boys and no girls. I don't know why I don't want girls but, I have always felt that way.

But, who even knows what will happen. I first need to get out of this hospital and then we can start thinks about the wedding. And it's totally crazy that I just said that.

If it's crazy for me to say it to myself then, I have no idea how I am going to tell my friends.

Eleanor, Mckayla, and Brianna are going to flip and I'm kind of scared because I have no idea what they're going to be thinking. I hope they'll be happy for me but, then again they could think something bad.

Ugh, I just need some sleep before I go crazy.

I get onto my phone and scroll through my Instagram, there's a lot of David and Liza on my feed but I try to ignore it because David asked me to marry him. That means he chose me right?

I know Liza won't be out of his life and I am okay with that because I love Liza and David and her honestly had something. He can't just walk away from that.

But he could walk away from you?

Oh my god, there are two voices inside of my head and I can't take it anymore.

I know that David loves me and I love him. There's nothing false in that statement and if there was I wouldn't be getting married to someone who's asleep on the couch waiting for me to get out of the wretched hospital.

God, why is it so hard for me to understand and trust David when he says that he loves me, he asked me to marry him for heaven's sake!

I don't know if I am scared to accept it because I am afraid he might hurt me again but, I know that he won't; he's a good guy and the one for me.--oh shit I can't even think, my heart hurts so bad.

I can't even breath, it hurts that bad. I can't hold this in, I need to tell them.

"David," I say trying to catch my breath. Both him and Ilya wake up in fright and call a nurse.

"It hurts," I say sitting up and putting a hand on my chest. I shut my eyes, trying to hold back the pain but I can't.

"The doctors are coming, you're going to be fine," David says and I nod and look at him. My eyes are watery because I am trying to hold everything back and David's facial expression of being scared is not helping.

"I love you, David," I say just in case I won't be able to tell him again and he nods.

"I love you too," he says placing a kiss on my lips before the nurses come in and begin to take me away.

My vision goes black and the only I can see is David's cute smile. 



oh no, what is happening with bella? she doesn't deserve to be hurting like this, she already did so much mentally. what are you're guys' opinion? i don't think she does. :)

be sure to like and comment :]

see you guys next chapter <3 

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