Chapter TWENTY - ONE : Feelings Are Out And About

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Chapter Twenty-One :  

"Don't say that," David says and I smile.

"Oh come on, do you really think I want to go home. Especially since I am having so much fun right now, watching you be jealous," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"I am not jealous," he says and I scoff.

"Oh say that all you want but, you so were," I say and he begin to walk back to where everybody is at.

I sit back down to where I was previously and Corinna and Natalie give each other a look.

"What happened," Corinna asks and I shrug. They always want to know what happened but, I understand because if it were to be someone else and not me; I'd be asking the same thing.

"We fought and then made up," I say and they nod.

After that we continue to watch and ask questions and almost everyone has gone already except David. Everyone is trying to convince him to do it but, he is so against. I can understand why because David isn't as smart as I am and he can potentially expose him and I.

"I'm not doing it," David says shaking his head and everyone groans.

"Oh but, you can put a crocadile us on and you can't do a harmless lie detector test," Carly says and David shrugs.

"You did it last time," Todd says and David still shakes his head.

"Last time was different," he says and turns to look at me and I shake my head at him. Why did he think it would be smart to look at me after saying that?

"Is it because she's here. Oh, David now you have to do it," Heath says and everyone nods.

"I'll answer three questions truthfully. I swear," David says and I shake my head. What is he doing?

"Deadass, three questions truthfully," Zane asks and David nods.

"Deadass," he repeats and we all look around at each other. Oh no, something bad is about to happen.

"Do you have feelings for someone in this room," Erin asks and my heart begins to pound. Oh my god, I'm going to pass out.

"Yes," he says glancing at me and everyone smiles and whispers. I wish Liza was here right now and then technically it wouldn't be me, it'd be Liza.

But, wait; what if he doesn't have feelings for me? It could be someone else in this room, he could have feelings for someone else.

"Do you love that person," Todd asks and he smiles.

"Yes," he says with his cheeks lightly getting tinted pink and everyone calls him out for it.

"Is it Bella," Zane blurts out and everyone turns to look at me. Oh goodness gracious, I am going to go down right now. My heart is beating to fast!

"Remember David, deadass," Heath says since David hasn't said anything. Just don't say anything you idiot! Break. The. Code.

"Yes," David says and everyone yells by saying their own thing. I sink further into the couch and feel my cheeks beginning to heat up.

"Oh my god," Natalie says shaking me all while I look at David. I blow him a kiss and roll my eyes.

"Bella," Corinna yells and I see David being tackled by his friends. Oh god, what is happening? Are we all of a sudden now five years old? 

Once everyone calms down and disperesses, I'm left on the couch by myself while people are doing their own things in a room or outside. I get up and decide to walk to the houses somewhat other living room and see David on another couch, by himself. So, I take this chance as mine to pounce on him for saying that stupid lie.

"You're so stupid," I say putting my hand out to hit him or do something to him and all he does is laugh.

"You could have lied or something," I say trying to hit him again but, he does the same thing.

"It was deadass. I couldn't lie," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Well you freakin' said three questions, it should have been one you idiot," I say and he laughs.

"Why, they would have just put all those three together to make one question," he says and I shake my head.

"So stupid," I say and he winks at me.

"Stop it you weirdo," I say and he laughs.

I walk outside to see what everyone is doing and stand next to Natalie. The boys are playing some basketball and they're getting really competitive.

David walks outside and he steals the ball from Todd and shoots it. It goes in and he turns to look at me.

What, am I supposed to be impressed or something?

Natalie shoves me a little and I turn to look at her.

"What," I ask and she sighs.

"Two days from now is David's birthday if you forgot," she says and I nod. I did not know that.

"Guess I forgot," I say and she nods.

"Well tomorrow I'm going shopping to get something for David if you want to come," she says and I nod.

"I'll go," I say and she smiles.

"Great but, I have a question. How could you forget about when David's birthday is? He's been your friend for years," she says and I shrug.

"I guess you get caught up in a lot more better things than remembering the birthday of the guy who left you," I say and realize I made things so awkward. Oh my god, what is wrong with me.

I want to cry but, I have no idea why.

"Sorry, I just--I don't know what's wrong," I say and put my hands over my head.

"I'm sorry," I say walking away and walk out to the front of the house.

I sit on the front porch and decide to keep myself away from people before I can be able to lash out on anybody else.

What's wrong with me?

We spend another hour at the house before deciding to go out somewhere to eat and before I knew it, the day was over and we were saying goodnight once again.

Today was a good day, except for the fact that something is off and I have no clue as to what it is. 



what's wrong with bella? also, how did you guys like the turn on of how the cliffhanger went? i liked it but, who cares what i think. can't wait for the next  chapter, natalie and bella are going shopping! :)

be sure to like and comment :]

see you guys next chapter <3

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