Chapter THIRTY-THREE : Girl Talk

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Chapter Thirty-Three : 

"Why do you keep smiling you weirdo," Ilya asks me and I shrug.

"Because I'm happy that I get to be here with you," I say and wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tight.

"But, you see me all the time," he says and I let go of him.

"I know but, I love you," I say and he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. I guess I am a little too happy.

"Are you still drunk," he asks looking at me and I roll my eyes.

"I wasn't even that drunk because I still remember what I did, alright." I say and he nods.

"Sure you do," he says and attempts to put his arm on the back of my chair but, David's arm is already there. David and Ilya give each other confused looks and I look at Natalie who is laughing.

Wow this is awkward.

"Sorry," Ilya says pulling his hand away and I look around to see if the food is on its way, I need the awkwardness to end.

"Anyways, Bella, David. Are you up for a match of tennis," Natalie asks and I scoff.

"Tennis? I haven't played since high school," I say and Ilya gives me a look. Okay, I haven't played competitively since high school.

"I'm down," David says and I sigh. David was always the competitive one but, he was also always the loser.

"Oh you are, well then don't be crying when you lose," I say and he scoffs.

"I was never the loser. I just let you win all the time," he says and I nod. That's not what the scores say because it seems like he tried but, alright.

"Whatever you say," I say as I watch the food be placed in front of us and smile. Yay, finally!

"So, what are we going to do," Ilya asks and I give him a look.

"Obviously watch David and I play and cheer on your number one player," I say and turn to look at David.

"Me," David and I both say at the same time and now we begin to have an argument as to who Ilya likes most. But, Ilya is basically over it and everyone is each having their side conversations.

Once we get done eating and everything we all go back to David's house. I don't know what we're going to do but, I have to mentally prepare for the match that David and I are going to have.

It starts at approximately 7:00 p.m. I don't know if we're going to have an audience but, we should because I know it's going to be a good game.

"So boss, what do you have planned for us next," I tease Natalie as we are now at David's house.

"I don't know. Everyone seems to having a good time so, I'm just going to take your hand and Corrina's and we all going to your room," she says as she grabs my hand and Corrina's and does take us to my room.

She closes my door once we're in my room and Corrina looks so confused and as do I.

"Why are we in here while all the boys are outside," Corrina asks and Natalie throws me a smirk.

"Let's just say Bella had a better meal last night than she did this morning," Natalie says and I shake my head at her choice of words and it takes a while for Corrina to comprehend.

"Shut up, you're lying," Corrina gasps and looks at me for confirmation and I look away.

"Bella," she says getting excited because I didn't say anything and Natalie gets even happier.

"Guess how I found out," Natalie says and I shake my head and try to hide my red cheeks that are on fire.

"Tell me," Corrina says and I groan.

"They were getting it on and I, not hearing the noises they were making, walked in there and found David on top of her," she says and Corinna screams. Corinna shakes me and the joy on her face can't be described.

"Then what happened," Corinna asks and I shake my head. Can't she just guess what happened after?

"Well I left and the rest is for Bella to tell us," she says and I look at the both of them as a look of are you serious.

"Well you know," I say trying to insinuate that it went all the way. They both scream and I shake my head.

"Shhh, the guys are going to think something is happening to us," I say and they roll their eyes.

"As if they're not talking about this same topic," Natalie says and I bite my lip. I hope they're not because then I'd want to know how Iyla feels.

Could he feel disappointed that I fell for him again? Or that him being there for me for the past three years was just a waste because I went back to him so easily?

Or could it just be that I am thinking all those things?

But once again, as I always say, I don't know.



hey guys! here we go again with bella contradicting herself again. don't you think she should have a little bit of confidence and go with will the flow? i do but, anyways i hope you liked today's chapter :)

see you guys next chapter :]

be sure to like and comment <3 

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