Chapter TWENTY-THREE : Just Somewhat . . . Friends

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Chapter Twenty-Three :

"I know," I say and open up the box. Damn what is wrong with me?

"And how can you even afford that. What kind of job do you have," she asks and I scoff.

"Hey, that's not nice and I have a very good job okay," I say and glare at her.

"Okay," she says and I shake my head as we pull into David's house.

I hide David's gift in another bag that Natalie has and when we get into the house David and all his friends are over, considering it's already ten o'clock at night. Yeah, Natalie and I took a little longer than we should have but we had a lot of things to catch up on though.

"Finally you guys are back," David says as we walk in through the front door and I smile.

"Sorry, we lost track of time," I say and rush to my room to hide his ring.

When I come back into the living room, people are continuing their previous conversation and I'm glad that nobody suspected anything.

"So, what did you guys buy," David asks and I shrug.

"Things," I say and turn to look at Natalie who is shaking her head.

Soon, when the clock hits around twelve, everyone begins to head home and eventually it's just me and David.

Nothing happens because I end up calling it after everyone leaves and David stayed on his couch editing.

But, around two in the morning I am awoken by sniffles. It sounds like someone is crying but, who could it be? I don't know if David has the tv on or something so, I decide to ruin my good sleep and check up on what is going on.

First, I check in the living room but no one is there; nothing is turned on. Then, I go to check David's room but the door is closed and the lights are turned on.

I don't know if I should go in or not but, the crying doesn't stop. And plus if it is the tv and I can just turn it off and turn off the light as well so, it won't wake him up like it did to me.

So, I make the brave move and open the door. I find David on his bed with red eyes and nose and no tv turned on.

My heart shatters slightly as he looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"David, what's wrong," I ask walking slowly over to him. He sighs and closes his laptop.

"My vlog fucking sucks ass," he says and I let what he said process. I let out a smile small and sit next to him.

"I bet it doesn't," I say trying to find his eyes since they are just staring at the door that I just walked through.

"It does. I'm going to start losing followers because of it, they want the content I used to have. The past vlogs don't compare to what I'm giving them now," he says and I roll my eyes.

"You're not going to lose followers," I say and put my hand on top of his. My movement causes him to look at me and I look deeply into those brown eyes.

"How do you know that," he asks and I smile.

"Because they're not just followers. They're people who think that you are practically a God to them," I say and he smiles.

"David they wouldn't care if you just posted a Q & A, they just want to see that cute twenty-two year old who makes them smile and laugh," I say and he shakes his head.

"This vlog sucks so much it probably won't even have them crack a smile," he says and I nod.

"Then just don't post," I say and he lets out a sarcastic laugh.

"Not post, I have never missed a posting day," he says and I shrug.

"I think they'd understand," I say and he shakes his head.

"You're crazy," he says and I scoff.

"I'm the one that's crazy," I say and he nods. I shake my head and wipe a tear away that fell on his cheek.

The room becomes quiet as neither of us are talking and I can see him beginning to lean in. My heart begins to speed up and for a split seconds my eyes look at his lips and I realize that was a very bad move.

I don't know if I want to kiss David and the situation he is in right now, is very bad.

So, I decide to be the one to move away and I stand up. I smile at him and it looks like he is a little it hurt but, I don't think of it.

"It's late David we should go to sleep," I say and he nods so, I turn around to walk out of the room but he stops me.

"Wait, Bella," he says and I turn to look at him.

"Yeah," I ask and he sighs.

"I haven't been able to sleep for a while and yeah the tv helps but, sleeping on the couch becomes bad for my back," he says and takes a pause. Where is he going with this?

"I know this is crazy but, would you mind sleeping in the same bed as me," he says and I smile. Awe, he is so sweet but there is no chance in hell that will be happening tonight. With the way that things are going for me right now, this would be a very bad move. 

"David," I say begging to protest but, he shakes his head and cuts me off.

"You know what, nevermind; stupid question. Goodnight Bella," he says quickly getting into bed and turning off the lights.

His actions make me feel bad and I begin to rethink what I just said to myself about a second ago.

All that we're going to be doing is sleeping, nothing wrong can happen. And he's just going to end up on the couch again because he can't sleep and I'm going to blame it on myself. Do I want to blame myself? No, but I know that I am going to.

In the midst of talking to myself and looking at David fake sleeping, I decide that nothing is going to happen and all I'm doing is helping him sleep.

So, I climb into his much comfier bed than mine and once I get comfortable; David grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him.

"Thank you," he whispers sleepy and that is the last thing I remember as my eyes begin to close on me. 



ahhh, my heart cannot take the cuteness! do you think that bella getting in bed with him was a good or bad idea? i guess i liked that she made a bold move but, whatever. i hoped you guys liked this chapter :)

be sure to like and comment :]

see you guys next chapter <3

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