Chapter FOURTEEN : Alex Ernst - Table Slayer

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A/N : 

bella's outfit! 

bella's outfit! 

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Chapter Fourteen:

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Chapter Fourteen:

"Do you have everything," David asks as we walk outside to meet our uber. He said he didn't want any of his friends to pick him up because he wanted to show me to two specific people first. I don't know who those people are but, if I did I hope they like me.

"Yeah, I got everything," I say and he nods.

We see the uber pulls up to us and before we get in, David makes sure that it's ours and when he says that it is; I load my things into the trunk while David loads his.

We get into the car once everything is inside and the driver begins to drive us to our supposed destination, which I have no idea where it is or how long it is going to take to get there.

I look out the window hoping the cars driving by can possibly make the nerves fly away but, since we're stuck in traffic it doesn't seem very likely.

"Is there like an accident or something," I ask turning to look at David and he shakes his head.

"No sweetie, this is an everyday thing if you decide to make your flight land at eleven in the morning," the driver says and I nod. I can't possibly imagine how terrible it would be to be an uber driver and have to drive through this almost everyday, I'd lose my mind.

"Wow, this is terrible," I say and David and the driver nod.

Once we get through the traffic, it takes us another thirty minutes for us to get where we are going and once we do it's an apartment complex.

I look at David confused and he smiles at me. He leads me up to the apartment and my palms are beginning to grow clammy. I wipe them against my jeans and when we reach the door, David turns to look at me.

"You okay," he asks and I sigh.

"Great but, can you please hurry up and knock on the door before I freakin' pass out over here," I say and he laughs. He knocks on the door and we wait for it to open.

When it does my breath hitches and Alex, the guy I remember from David's vlog (who breaks a lot of tables), opens the door.

"David hey--oh wait, what the fuck," Alex says first looking at David and then seeing me. Wait, does he know me? Because if he does and I don't remember him, I'm going to feel like a real jackass.

"Bella," Alex says and I turn to look at David. Oh man, I feel like a jackass.

"Hey. . . Alex," I say smiling at him, trying to act my best that I really do remember him.

"You don't remember me, huh," he asks and I shake my head.

"No, no. I--okay, I don't remember where I met you," I say and he nods. David laughs and I elbow him, for being so rude.

"It's because we never met and I was just messing with you. You don't know me but, I know you," he says and I nod. Oh good but, where does he know me from?

"How do you know me exactly," I ask and he chuckles.

"Well David--" he begins to say but, David cuts him off short.

"Nothing, let's go show you the people who I am meant to be surprising you to," he says and we walk inside to see two people blindfolded. I can already tell that it's Dom and Corinna but, I wonder if they even had a thought in their mind that it could be me; probably not though because David surprises them with things way worse than my face.

"Finally, it feels like it's been hours since Alex opened the door," Dom says and I let out a little laugh.

"David, I swear to god though if it's an insect or something really scary or disgusting; I am going to kill you," Corinna says and David turns to look at me and I shrug, I could be scary or disgusting.

"No, I promise you'll like this one," David says and I give him an ify look. Promise? Maybe they never liked me and what if they don't even remember me!

"Okay, you can take off your blindfolds in 3-2-1," David says and they take off their blindfolds.

At first they have a second of a shocked reaction and then Corinna yells.

"Oh my god," she says giving me a hug and I can't tell if her reaction is a good or bad one.

"David, no fucking way," Dom says and I smile at him as Corrina lets me go. Wow, now I really can't tell if Dom's reaction is good or bad.

"Here, this is for you Bella," Dom says and cup-checks David. David groans in pain and I smile. Wow, you have no idea how much joy it brings me to hear David in pain.

"Thank you," I say and Dom nods.

I used to think that Dom was cute when I first met him because he had kind of long hair that would stick outside of his hat and his smile was really cute but, I think the LA life really stole that charm from him.

"Hi," Dom says giving me a hug and I hug him back.

"Hi," I say and let go of him.

"How long have you been in LA," Corinna asks and I let out a small laugh.

"Maybe an hour but, we've just been stuck in car," I say and turn to look at David for conformation and he nods. Corinna's jaw drops and I intertwine my hands out of pure nervousness.

"You look great, what the fuck," she says and I shake my head.

"Thanks but, I'm sure I don't. I haven't even gotten a chance to look in the mirror," I say and Corinna shakes head.

"You don't need to, you look great," she says and I smile. Wow, I forgot how nice Corinna was and it's totally David's fault.

"Hey, can one of you guys give us a ride to my house. I don't want to call an uber," David says out of the blue and we all turn to look at him and Corrina nods.

"I'll give you a ride but, we're going to have a weird kind of sitting arrangement," she says and I give her an odd look.

"What kind of sitting arrangement," I ask and she smiles. 



hm, i wonder too what kind of sitting arrangement it will be. *wink, wink.* but anyways, i hoped you liked like chapter because i tried to reintroduce bella to dom and corrinna in a typical david way; so yeah. :)

be sure to like and comment :]

see you guys next chapter <3

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