Chapter TWENTY-NINE : Finally Something Happens

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Chapter Twenty-Nine :

"David," I say scared but, he doesn't respond and instead presses his lips onto mine.

All types of emotions are running through my body but, I don't care about any of them and do something I might regret.

I kiss him back.

The butterflies and sparks only increase as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me.

I cannot believe that this is happening but, I let myself enjoy the moment as I imagine fireworks are going off all around us.

I've dreamed about this moment so, many times. I never thought that it would happen though, and now that it is; I don't even want to think. I just want to enjoy the feeling. 

The air in my lungs soon begin to run out and I pull away.

I'm panting as if I just ran a mile and look into his brown eyes that look probably just as confused as mine.

"I'm sorry," I say and run away, leaving him there.

Why did I have to apologize? It's not like I did anything wrong but, I feel like I cheated.

I cheated on myself because I told myself that I wasn't going to fall for David but, that is exactly what I did.

I go up to the rooftop where David's surprise party is supposed to be and open the door.

All eyes turn to me and I smile. They look away and go back to their conversations but, I can still tell some are lurking.

"Where's David," Natalie asks as she walks up to me and I shrug.

"He said that he was going to go and change. I don't know," I say and Natalie sighs.

"I'll go and find him," she says and I nod.

I'm left alone and I bring to tip of my finger to gently touch my still tingly lips.

Oh god, what is wrong with me?

"I don't think we've met before," I hear someone say from behind me and it makes me jump.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the boy says from behind me and I smile.

He honestly isn't that bad. He's tall, handsome with blue eyes and dyed blonde hair. I think I've seen him in David's vlogs before but, I don't remember his name.

"You're good," I say as I am now standing face to face with him.

"I'm Matt," he says and sticks out his hand for me to shake. Matt, yeah I think it sounds familiar.

"Bella," I say and shake his hand.

"Are you David's friend or a trailor with someone else," he asks and I lightly laugh.

"Let's just say I know David," I say and he nods.

"Matt get your ass over here," Zane calls and I turn to the direction of him.

"I'll catch you around," he says and I nod.

"See ya," I say and once again I am alone.

Though, the sky is a nice company. It's not too hot today and the sky is that picture perfect one.

"Wow, look at you," I hear a familiar voice say and turn to the direction of the voice.

"Ilya," I say and run over to hug him.

"What are you doing here," I say and pull back from him.

"The question should be, what are you doing here," he says and I sigh.

"I've been asking myself the same question ever since I got here," I say and look at the people that I hardly know.

"Well I'm glad you came though, even if you can't see it; David really needs you in his life," Iyla says and I shake my head.

"I don't think he does," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"You're so stubborn," he says and I smile.

"Isn't that why you love me," I say and he shakes his head.

"Yes," he says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I roll my eyes and push him away.

"Alright, I am going to get a drink. Do you want something," he asks and my eyes light up. Yes, I do.

"Get me a cosmopolitan," I say and he shakes his head.

"Water it is," he says and I groan. I guess I'm just going to have to get my drinks on my own from now on.

I see David walk through the door and some people are confused as to who it is but, Jason makes up a quick lie.

I make eye contact with David but, I quickly look away and go and find Ilya. He's my only friend that will understand what I'm going through right now.

After awhile, "we" all get surprised by David that he actually knew the whole time and everyone is mad at Jason.

"You just ruined all over our vlogs," Carly says and I laugh.

Damn, a lot of vlogging cameras are out right now.

"You look kinda hot," Liza says and I barely realized that she was here, my bad.

"Thanks, you wanna get back together," David asks and everyone laughs, including me because I don't want anyone to feel awkward.

Ilya holds my hand and I smile at him as I drink some of my water. But, it's not water; it's vodka.

"What is this," I ask as I choke on the liquor and Iyla's eyes go wide.

"Oh shit, sorry that's mine," he says and I laugh. He hands me my drink instead and I shake my head.

I turn to look away from him for about a second and some people are staring at us. No, we're just really good friends; come on people.

"Alright let's party. I need vlog content people," David says and I laugh.

"See Ilya, he said party and party equals drinking," I say and take his glass instead of mine and walk over to Natalie and Corrina.

"Hey guys," I say a little too happy but, I am happy. It's David's twenty second birthday surprise party.

"Wow you're happy," Natalie says and I nod.

"Mmm, I am," I say and take a sip of the vodka. Oh the burning liquid going down my throat is a bittersweet memory.

"Don't drink to much Bella," Corinna says and I sigh.

"David said to party and that is what I am going to do," I say and chug the rest of Ilya's but, now mine's, drink.

"Oh god, Bella please don't be stupid. You don't need to drink to party," Natalie says and I shrug.

"Too late," I say and go back to the bar to get some more drinks.

"Watch her please," I hear David whisper to Ilya as I pass by them and laugh.

He can't watch me, I'm a sneaky little bitch and when it comes to getting drunk it happens really quick. 



here we go again. i wonder what's going to happen this time now that bella is deciding to get drunk? and what the heck was that kiss, were you guys shocked? i don't know. anyways i hope you guys liked this chapter :)

be sure to like and comment :]

see you guys next chapter <3

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