Chapter TWENTY-FIVE : Davids Not Home

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Chapter Twenty-Five :

Damn, I wasn't expecting the Jimmy John sandwiches to taste so good or seeing Princess in The Frog in the movie theaters make me cry all over again but, all these things did happen.

Today was a good day and now that it is around seven, David has been doing his own thing while I've been in touch back home with my work. They needed me for a few things but, it wasn't anything they couldn't manage.

Natalie is still here but, all she's been doing is watching Netflix and preparing for David's surprise party. I guess she is doing something but, there is no way that David won't find out about his party; he's too sneaky.

"Hey Bella," David calls from the living room and I sit up on my bed.

"Yeah," I ask as I walk over to see him. He's standing up with a look on his face that I really can't read.

"What happened," I ask kind of worried but, he shakes his head.

"Nothing but, I'm gonna have to go somewhere," he says and I find it weird that he has to tell me.

"Like where," I ask and he gives me a shy smile.

"With Liza she wants to take me out to eat dinner and--" he continues to say but, I cut him off.

"You want to go. I don't understand why you had to say but, whatever. Have fun," I say and give him a smile before sitting down on the couch. I pull out my phone to distract myself but, I know that both Natalie and him are staying at me.

"What? Go get ready," I say letting out a little fake laugh and they look at each other.

"Natalie is going to be here so you won't be alone and if you guys want to go anywhere it's on me," he says and I shake my head.

"David, I'm not your child. You don't have to take care of me, I'm twenty-one years old," I say and he sighs.

"I understand that but, leaving you makes me feel bad," he says and now I sigh.

"I honestly don't know what to say so instead of saying anything. I will be outside if you need me," I say and get up from my spot on the couch and walk outside.

I look out the beautiful view and sigh.

I don't understand why I act the way I do but, to be honest I can't understand myself a lot of these days.

I just hope that I didn't come off as rude to David because it is his birthday tomorrow and I want him to have a really good one since mine last year was one of the worst.

But, once I am calm and collected and beginning to grow cold; I go back inside.

"He left," Natalie says once I walk in and I nod.

"Good," I say and walk over to the couch and lay down. I sigh and look up at Natalie.

"You know what," I say and smile.

"What," she asks and I laugh.

"I don't care. I've been trying too hard to look nice ever since I've been here and I just want to be in an oversized hoodie and long socks with my hair down and messy," I say stressed and Natalie smiles.

"I can make that happen," she says and I sit up.

"How," I ask and she grabs my hand and takes me to another room that I have not been in yet.

"Here is all of David's merch. I'm pretty sure there is an extra large and you can steal from socks from David," she says and I get excited.

I find a black Clickbait hoodie that is a large and put some cover-ups under so, I won't only have on my underwear and steal some white socks from David.

"Better," Natalie asks once I walk out comfy and dressing like I do not care.

"So much better," I say and she smiles.

I connect my phone to David's Alexa and begin to play some music. But, Natalie and I are curious as to what David has in his drawers so we begin to investigate.

"Look what I found," Natalie says running over to me, where I am position in front of his tv mount with a drawer under it.

"A photo book," I question and open it to the first page.

Senior Year : 2013

"Awe look at how small we are," Natalie says and I look at the people in the picture. It's a group picture of all David and I's friends back home as well as Natalie in it.

"Oh my god, look at my prom dress," I say finding a picture of David and I at the prom. That prom was definitely one to remember because we all lost a few things that day.

"Ugh prom, I lost my phone that day and my mom almost killed me when she found out," she says and I laugh.

We flip to the next couple of pages but, there isn't anyone else in the pictures besides David and I. It's actually just me and him.

"Why does David have this . . . weirdo," I say and look at the pictures but, can't hold back my smiles because everyone of the pictures has a story; a good one too.

"Awe, I miss you guys together," Natalie says continuing to flip through the book and I roll my eyes.

"I found this but, I wonder where the player is," I say holding up a cassette and Natalie laughs.

"Huh, why does he have this," Natalie asks and I laugh. Yeah, it is kind of funny that he is holding onto this.

"I don't know but, I want to see what's on it," I say and that leads us for our search to look for the cassette player.

We look in the rooms and garage and even the restroom to see if David accidently put it in there but, we soon find out that it was already connected to the tv in him room all along. So, we disconnect it and move it to the living room tv just because.

"Ahh okay, press play," Natalie says as she sits on the couch and I do as she says.

It takes a while for it to focus but, once it does it's David at one of our high schools pep rally.

"Oh my god," Natalie says and I laugh. Awe, David is so small. He was my boyfriend in this video and now I'm just in his somewhat friend and also in his 2.4 million dollar house. 

"Fast forward, all David is doing is running," Natalie says and I do because it was getting kind of boring.

"Wait, stop," she says and I do.

"Ugh, look at the love birds in the corner. Disgusting," Ilya says from behind the camera and it's pointing in the corner of David and I being all cuddly.

"I'm going to cry," Natalie says and I turn to look at her and shake my head. She is actually almost going to cry and I think that I might too.

"Natalie do you have anything to say about what is going on," Ilya says and Natalie comes into view and we scream.

"Fast forward," she says turning red and I laugh.

"Get a room," Natalie yells in the video and David flips her off, something that would happen often.

"Ugh no, why did I wear that shirt," she questions and shakes her head.

"'Cause it was in," I say sarcastically and laugh because it was not in.

"Shut up," she says and I laugh.

The video comes to a grey and black screen before switching to another recording and my heart drops once I see what is actually playing.

"What the fuck," I say aloud and turn to look at Natalie. 



don't hate me, love me! but, dude what could be on the cassette? give me your guesses, i'm interested as to what you guys are thinking. :)

be sure to like and comment :]

see you guys next chapter <3

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