Chapter THREE : David The "Hero"

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Chapter Three : 

"You shouldn't let him get to you," ELeanor says as we walk out of the club and I shake my head. Not let him get to me? He's just a . . . ugh! I don't even want to think about him.

"I'm not letting him get to me," I say trying to convince myself as well that I am not letting him get to me. I'm mean, I'm not.

"Then where are you going Bella," Brianna says and I shrug.

"Away from here, somewhere I can relax," I say beginning to walk somewhere, I don't even know where; I just have to go.

"Bella you're drunk, please just think about this before you do something you regret," Mckayla says and I shake my head. I never do things I regret. Well, there's only one thing and it's initials are D.D.

"I'll be fine just go home you guys," I say and begin to run. They all try to chase after me but, I lose them when I turn a corner.

"Bella," I hear Eleanor yell and run even faster.

When I know that they aren't following me anymore, I stop running and begin to walk. The night is only beginning for me and I don't know if it will ever end, maybe it will end when David and his stupid face leaves.

I haven't seen him in three years and he decides to turn up on the night, I wanted to see him the least.

I walk along the sidewalks and begin to feel myself sobering up, which means I need another drink; I need to find a bar, fast.

The neon sign across the street catches my eye and I look up to see a name of a bar. I sigh in relief and walk across the street not even bothering to make my way to the cross walk and cars honk at me.

"Bella! What are you doing," I hear that stupid voice say and groan as I know it's David. How did he even find me?

I ignore his call and continue my walk across the street but, of course. David, trying to be my hero, gets out of his car and grabs onto me; pulling me to the sidewalk.

"What's wrong with you! You could have gotten yourself killed," David says gripping my shoulders and shaking me. I roll my eyes and pull away from him. What's with him and trying to entrap me all the time?

"Well why do you care, it's not like you've cared for my well being for over the past three years," I yell beginning to grow angry that he is stopping me from getting a drink.

"Bella, are you serious? I cared," he says and I laugh at what he said. He cared, really? Oh my god, how could I have ever been so stupid to say I love you to this guy.

"No you fucking didn't! David I didn't get a call, or text, or email, or anything over these past three years and now you're trying to tell me that you cared. God, I hate you," I say gripping my hands and digging my nails into my palms.

"You don't mean that. You're just drunk and not thinking straight, let me take you home and we'll talk in the morning," he says and I grip my head for a second and drop my hands.

"David you wouldn't even know where my house is because things have changed, drastically over these past three years and you don't even know a single thing about it. Ask Ilya, ask Alex, ask Micheal, ask freaking Natalie even; they'll be happy to tell you all about it because I've told them not to since the time that you left. You don't know shit David," I say and begin to walk away leaving him.

I don't even bother to turn around and groan as I wipe away a tear that has fallen onto my cheek.

Ahhh, why I am I like this!

Why do I let David get to me if every time Eleanor says not to let him get to me, I do!

Tonight has got me messed up and I don't even want to go to places anymore. I just want to go home and sleep for hours and hours and eat lots of chocolate chip ice cream while watching About Time.

But, before I get to sleep and call it a night; I get a text from everyone. Michael, Alex, Ilya, and Natalie all asking if it's okay to tell David everything and I reply with just one word and three letters.




the drama between bella and david is unreal! how do you feel about bella though, do you think she is being over dramatic? i don't know but, i like how she's acting with him :)

be sure to like and comment :]

see you guys next chapter <3

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