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Walking back and forth. Walter was trying to think of what to do, of how this happened, of what he didn't know. Prince was leaning on his desk, with one hand over his chin, he was thinking of numbers things too. How could this slip their eyes? Who did this? His mind was full of things but empty at the same time. So many questions but not one answer, not even a clue.

Walter stopped himself and looked at prince with huge pupils, running his hand through his hair. "When did you get this?" He breathes, preparing for the worst answer possible.

Prince moves himself forward to have his hole body facing Walter, preparing to give him the worst answer. "Two days ago."

Walter chocked on his own saliva.

"I couldn't believe it was true, I ran the reports 4 times and had other people gather files for me, to be able to compare them. I didn't want it to be true, but by 5th time. I knew it was true."

"Who else know?" Walter heart rate was high, and getting higher, everything could crumble down from here.

With a deep breath, Prince looks at the papers and mumbles out a very crooked voice. "I don't know"

Walter sighs, he holds on to the wall for 5 seconds, lowering his head, trying to focus on his feet. His head was dizzy and his eyes started to get foggy. "Breath Walter, breath." He thought to himself. He starts taking baby steps to his chair very slowly, sitting down with his palms firmly on the desk, holding up his body weight with them. He holds his head in his two hands and starts to give his skull a little massage once he was sitting down, calming his thoughts and allowing himself to breath.

"Do you know what this means?" He said, slowly flitting his head up to see Prince, he partly opens his lips, getting goosebumps around his arms, invisible to Prince sine he was wearing a long sleeve dress shirt.

Prince was still looking at the spot where Walter was, facing the wall, with a blank emotion, nodding to Walters words. "We've been betrayed again."


Hello there, it's the writer.
I'd love to hear what you guys think of this or what you think is going on, feel free to tell me how much you love this, hate his, or how confused you are, I'll respond to anything :)


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