VI- Coffee, Tea or Me

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Olivia's POV

It's been a few days since I last saw him, what's does make him very occupied lately? His secretary also mentioned he is always away and let the in charge runs the operation on his behalf. Well, maybe that's how a business tycoon handles their life He must have a lot of things to do.

Why Suddenly I become interested in his personal affairs though? I blush when I realized I cannot help to think about him, the way he looks at me at the coffee shop says something. I flinch at the thoughts wandering in my mind and my body is responding to whatever signal it was sending.

I was blankly looking at the wall in the Lobby and I don't even know how my mind started to contemplate his looks and his well-built body. My attention was shifted when someone called my name and when I turn to look I saw him.

"Ms. Olivia, aren't you going up?" He delivers a threatening voice and looks while his right hands holding the door of the lift. I couldn't blush anymore as I'm so embarrassed, why? why I'm so blurred today.

I just nodded and hurriedly walk with a head down to avoid them to see my shamefaced, Oh I hate this day! Only two of us in the lift, no bodyguards today?

" I must say, we should stop meeting like this." He utters but he still facing the door, he doesn't give me a glance or even look at me while talking. Perhaps it's not talking he is ordering me.

In confusion I ask him of what he meant to say " Meeting like this?"

" Yes, Meeting in the lobby while you stared at the wall blankly." He sharply answered like no double thoughts of how to say it nicely.

I smirk in the irritation of his remarks "Blankly?" I mumbled to myself but I cannot keep my resentment on his statement.

"I called you many times but you look delirious" he adds.

That's it! I'm done!

My face draws anger and bitterness building inside me that I clenched my fist, I purposely look at him to show my disappointment but he never moves a muscle. I'm so dismay of how he sees things and how easy he can conclude.

When the door open I rushed to go out but his body is like a wall, I turn to him in surprise that he is blocking my way. I narrowed my eyes infusion of his action, he smiled at me and said " Coffee at 3 pm, same place " and he moves on his way out.

"Coffee at 3 pm? what a guts!" I murmur while walking to my office, He has such a thick face after everything he said.

"Oli, you are staring at your watch for a couple of times. Is there a rush dear? " Maggy is figuring something.

I haven't realized my colleagues noticed that I kept looking at my watch, all I concerned of is to finish my work in the morning so I can relax in the afternoon. " None, Thanks Maggy" my only reply.

"You're not eating? it's past 1 pm already?" she added and waiting for my reply.

" Actually I will at 3 pm." I smile but blushing.

Quickly she sat in front of me and teasingly played my hair "Hey, Don't tell me another coffee don't ya?"

" Yes" I tried to hide my smile but it's not working. When my crazy friends heard about it, they tickled me and I laugh like hell. I started running inside the office like a child just to escape from my insane friends.

Someone cleared his throat and we promptly look at the door a serious face staring at us, " Mr. Corden" Ashley's nervous response and me without looking at the mirror I don't mind what do I look after the running.

"Is it windy here?" Straightaway he asks me, I swallowed heavily and I shyly brushed my hair with my fingers. I hate being criticized especially when it comes to my hair because I seldom comb it in a day.

"Let's go" He utters before he went out.

I made my way out looking at my colleagues, " The Boss is commanding.." I whisper and silently giving them a sign.

He's glancing at me while drinking his coffee, neither one of us has the courage to start a topic. I look away to avoid his eyes yet my body tense every time I drink seems like I will spit it out at any time.

"Are you afraid of me?" his face is confused yet he looks fiercely, well maybe he figures it out.

"Why you ask?" I ask in return though.

"You look nervous" He smiled to me.

"Maybe,... Maybe you look so serious and dangerous." I should have chosen my words nicely because he is looking at me ferociously now.

"Now I know how do I look" he shifted his mood into serious.

"I'm not afraid of you, It's just that your presence is manipulating." I softly said and I focus on blowing my coffee. Gosh! I want to cover myself and hide, where did I get those nerves to say that.

"What? how did you say that?" he tilts his head towards me showing how curious he is.

I sincerely replied "Maybe from day one? I already felt manipulated and I felt controlled from the time you humiliate me." I gasp heavily.

All the while he did not say anything but rather staring at me until we finish the coffee, each of us has our own thoughts this time. None of us are willing to say what we have to say, I'm just an employee obeying orders and he is the one giving orders.

From the StartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon