Chapter 1: The New Arrivals.

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Hope Carter in the picture^^^

The Deal


I cover my ears after hearing my best friend scream my name in front of the entire class, I shake my head laughing quietly as I slowly made my way towards Lily.

As I finally reach her she leaps out of her seat and wraps her arms around me squeezing me half to death.

"Struggling to breathe Lily" she instantly let's go of me and giggles a little hiding behind her platinum blonde hair.

"Sorry I just missed you so much, you're literally my left leg. I can't walk without you" I just roll my eyes at her and push her slightly.

Lily Roberts has been my Best friend ever since we were babies, her dad and my dad used to be really close.

She's practically my sister, sometimes we get questioned if we are together just because she's a lesbian but as much as I love her I definitely don't find girls attractive like that. I'm 100% straight.

I fantasize about Damon Salvatore daily. (Huge vampire diaries fan over here)

"Have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"About the new guys, obviously I'm not interested but apparently they look like gods! But very bad news, they murder people or some shit like that but that could be rumors."

"I wassss gonna see if I could set you up with one but then I thought hmm no better not, my bestie deserves better than another fuck boy like last time... " before she could say anymore I slap my hand on her mouth and wait for it to stop moving, my god can this girl talk your ear off.

"There's a difference between a fuck boy and killers Lil, I'm not interested anyway" I whisper quietly enough so she could only hear.

I look around the classroom and notice no one else is listening thank god. I slowly move my hand away just as our tutor walks in ready to start the lesson.

I glance over at Lily and notice she's about to start talking again so I send a glare her way which she quickly turns away from, she hates this look for some strange reason.

I don't care, it's the only thing that manages to shut her up from her incoherent babbling.

After the lesson we started walking along the corridors to our next lesson, typing away on my phone trying to explain to my dad that wtf does not mean wow that's fantastic.

God knows how many people he's sent that to, I wonder sometimes what he would do without me.

My mum and dad broke up 2 years ago and I chose to live with him as I've always been closer to him but also my mum wasn't the most pleasant to be around after what happened to my brother.

Finishing up on my phone I didn't even realize that Lily had stopped right in front of me without any warning causing me to walk right into her, bumping my nose against the top of her back.

Rubbing my nose a little I look to see why she stopped so suddenly, and that's when I saw them.

The three new guys that Lily was ranting on about in our first lesson standing right in front of us.

Well, she was right they definitely do look like gods. All three were a lot taller than me, 6ft or over definitely. The one in the middle had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous.

His eyes were a mesmerizing deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granite. He had dark eyebrows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression.

The one on the left had midnight black curls and his eyes were dark brown, framed by graceful brows. His skin was tanned. He had prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin and nose.

Then I saw the last boy who was stood on the right, he had a sharp jawline, chin, and cheekbones. On either side of his straight nose were two blazing green eyes. His dark brows were actually graceful but currently furrowed in a frown. All of it was framed by thick, warm dark chocolate fringe.

Wow, I didn't even know guys like this existed let alone attend this college. Suddenly I hear one of them clear their throat making me cough and drag me back out of daydream land. Ah, I love that place, especially now with these three beautiful men.

The one in the middle finally speaks "It's rude to stare you know" oh my god his voice so deep and husky.

I didn't unnotice the evil look in his eyes though.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to, erm your new right? Well, I'm Hope and this is Lily" I turn my head slightly and nudge her arm hoping she will start chatting away like always but the one time I need her she's bloody mute.

Suddenly the one with pretty brown eyes smiled and spoke up "well Hope and Lily it's nice to meet you, I'm sure we will get along just fine" he winks at both of us causing Lily to finally snap out of it.

"You're not my type"

"I'm everyone's type baby"

"Not mine and ew don't call me that"

"I'm definitely your type, you won't be able to stay away for long"

"I like girls, not guys so no you are definitely not my type at all"

"That's hot"

I roll my eyes with a scoff, what a typical horny teenage boy. Finally, the one on the right with the beautiful green eyes speaks up.

"Sorry about him, I'm Jace this miserable one is West and that goof over there is Callum" I smile at him and he smiles widely back whilst West just stares at me and Callum sends another one of his winks my way.

Oh Lord have mercy, give me strength.

Then that's when I notice we are the only ones left in the hall. I quickly grab Lily's hand and bid my farewells until I see someone around the corner, great the only person I didn't want to bump into today is here and walking straight towards us with that annoying smirk he thinks is attractive.

"Well hello princess" he greets me whilst I scrunch up my nose in disgust at the nickname he gave me when we were together. When I look back at the guys they aren't even looking at us anymore but are glaring at Mason.

If looks could kill he would be 5ft underground by now, the atmosphere around us changes making Lily tighten her hand around mine a little bit.

I look up and quickly rush out "well this was nice and all but we really should get going, so yeah erm bye" I quickly walk hand in hand with my shaking friend beside me and as soon as we turn the corner I hear a loud bang.

I'm too lazy to look back so we carry on towards our class which we are really late for. One thing on my mind is what on earth was that about and how did they know Mason.

I'm not stupid, something is definitely weird about the whole situation cause you definitely don't act like that when you first meet someone. Lily stopped just before we walked into class.

"Oh my god, what the hell was that I told you they were scary." she frantically shook my arm.

"I'm so glad I'm not attracted to boys and ew what the hell did Mason think he was doing speaking to you. He has some nerve after doing what he did, I'd kick him so hard in his love maker he'd never be able to make mini Mason's" I snort at that but I know for a fact she would actually do it.

I turn to the door and smile at her "come one let's get this over with and I'll buy you chicken nuggets for dinner" her eyes light up and she rushes into the classroom.

I love that girl and her crazy ways, her and the love she has for chicken nuggets is so weird and probably unhealthy.

She once told me she would choose them over girls, or maybe have them together. I completely ignore her after that statement, I did not want to hear about my best friend's sexual fantasies.


Well, that's the first chapter! I know it's not very long or even the best but I really just wanted to get it out. I hope you like it anyway, comment on what you think of it so far and get ready for the next chapter😘

Ciao! x

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