Chapter 25: Rough Night?

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The Deal

I woke up to an empty bed. Hm, wonder where West disappeared to?

I sat up holding the covers against my naked body, looking around my room. I noticed a sheet of paper on my bedside table so I glanced over to see that it was from West.

Morning baby, I left early because I heard your dad come in with your uncle early this morning. We don't want you to get into trouble now do we;) I have asked Ryan to pick you and Lily up today whilst I'm out dealing with something. We all need to discuss some things, and I don't want you to be alone whilst people are still disappearing and we have no idea what the leader of this new gang looks like. I will see you later, I love you x

P.s. I hope you're not too sore.

I couldn't help but giggle a little reading the end.  Trust him to mention that. I hid the piece of paper in my pillowcase making sure my dad would not be able to find it.

Both of us would be so screwed if he did. I went to stand up from my bed ready to take a shower when a sudden pain shot through me from between my legs.

Great I'm gonna be walking around like a cripple today, thanks a lot West.

I made my way to the shower with a little struggle. I washed my body shaving all the parts that needed doing and scrubbing my hair with my favourite raspberry shampoo. I checked my phone seeing a message from Ryan telling me he was on his way. 

I ran to my wardrobe picking out the first items of clothing I saw.

I ran to my wardrobe picking out the first items of clothing I saw

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When I was finally ready my vision became a little blurry. My stomach started to turn a little bit, so I quickly ran to my toilet throwing my guts up. After I emptied my stomach I lifted my head up from the toilet wiping my mouth with some tissue.

"You not well?" A girly voice came from behind me.

I fell onto my bum placing my hand over my heart.

"Shit Lilly, how many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that...."

"Yeah yeah you have a fragile heart, it can't take it I know. It's not like I was trying to scare you, I did shout your name but now I know why you didn't hear me" She pointed over to me and the toilet before grabbing the cup and filling it with some water.

"Drink this" I stood up wincing from the pain that West had caused and Lily seemed to notice.

"Rough night?" A smirk appeared on her face whilst she wiggled her eyebrows.

"You could say that" I choked out before drinking the water and rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash.

I looked over at my smirking friend.

"Do not say anything to Ryan, I won't hear the end of it." I warned her.

She started laughing loudly before taking my hand walking out the bathroom.

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