Chapter 16: Family Legacy.

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The Deal

Masons Pov. (SURPRISE)

I was finalizing a deal with a gang in Toronto when my phone went off for the millionth time today.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see Timmy calling me so I answered it.

"Timmy this best be fucking important, I have just been in a meeting all day." I started to walk towards my car ready to go back to the hotel I have been staying at.

"It's Hope" My legs stopped moving the moment her name was mentioned.

"What do you mean it's Hope, I swear to god if shes hurt in the slightest I will kill you and whoever was involved"

"She's in the hospital" I could hear his voice quieten down when he said the last word. I tried to remain calm but my blood started to boil with rage.

"Why the fuck is she there, I told you and the other idiots to keep an eye on her whilst I was gone. You know I don't like people touching whats mine, but if anyone's touched a single hair on her head they won't live to see another day."

"I don't know how it happened but for some reason, Michael from headhunters challenged Jace Porter to a race bargaining Hope."

I pulled my car door open and slammed it shut when I sat inside.

"Jace ended up winning but you know what Michael's like he's a god damn snake. He took Hope anyway when no one was looking."

I started my car engine speeding off towards the airport going way past the speed limit.

"I haven't been inside of her room yet but I heard her dad on the phone to her mum, she was stabbed Mason" My knuckles started to turn white from squeezing the wheel. My nostrils started to flare up breathing heavily.

"He's dead." I stopped outside of the hotel to quickly pick up my stuff.

"Get my private jet ready, I'm coming back home to her" Then I hung up.

Michael has made the biggest mistake doing this to the love of my life, it angers me when men even look at Hope knowing how attractive she is. She's flawless, she has the sexiest body I have ever seen. I can't wait to be able to claim her body as mine, making her scream my name all night long. I regret what I did with Rose, she was just an easy fuck. No one will ever touch her again unless they want to be sent straight to hell.

Hopes Pov

The stark smell of bleach was overwhelming. I scrunched my eyes at the bright light that was slipping through my closed eyelids. I felt powerless and heavy.

Slowly I started to blink desperately trying to open my eyes so I could see where I was and what was around me. The blinding light finally subsided so I could take a look at my surroundings.

I was in the hospital.

The room was immaculate and gloomy. A typical hospital room filled with one single bed, IV and monitors beeping away. The walls were a dull blue colour and the bed sheets being a greyish colour.

The room looked nothing like a room where a patient should be motivated to get better if anything its making me feel even more nauseous. I couldn't quite remember how I ended up here but I didn't want to stay any longer. I pulled at my IV line and felt a sharp pain shoot up my arm.

Seems that pulling out an IV is only painless in the movies.

I tried to sit up but I felt an awful pain through my stomach making me remember what had happened. The door to my room opened revealing my dad who looked absolutely shattered. His eyes held bags underneath them, and his hair was a mess.

The DealNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ