Chapter 30: I Need To Change.

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The Deal

Ryan dropped me off at my house, I didn't want to see West right now. I just stood there right outside my door with Callum's blood all over my hands and clothes.

I shakily pushed down the door handle swinging the door wide open.

I stepped inside my house and closed the door slowly. Leaning against it trying to steady myself. I was covered in mud and blood, my clothes dripping from the rain.

"Hope is that you, where have you been..."

I looked up with tears threatening to leave my eyes, seeing my dad there with a worried look on his face. I needed my dad.

"Daddy" I sobbed. He ran over to me as I collapsed in his arms. I sobbed into his chest my hands clutching onto his top.

He held me in silence, rocking me slowly as my tears soaked his chest. A tiny lapse made me pull away, blinking my eyelashes with heavy tears before I collapsed again, my howls of misery worsening.

The pain became worse in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses trying to catch my breath.

"Pumpkin please tell me what happened, why are you covered in blood?"My dad spoke softly, using one of his hands to stroke my hair.

"He's dead dad"

"Who's dead Hope?"

"C-Callum is dead, he's d-dead and he isn't com-coming back"

I have never felt pain like this before since Miles had passed away in my arms a few years ago. The room was silent apart from the heartbreaking sobs escaping from me.

I couldn't control my tears anymore. It was just too much for me to handle.

My dad lifted me up off the floor and brought me to the couch cradling me against his chest.

"I'm here Hope, I'm here" He tightened his hold on me when we heard my Uncle approach us from upstairs.

"What the hell is going on.." He stopped abruptly.

"Angel?" I felt the couch dip next to me letting me know he was sat next to us.

"What is up with her Tyler, why is she covered in blood?" My uncle asked becoming stressed when no one answered. My dad gently took my face in his hands.

"Go upstairs for a shower pumpkin whilst I make you a coffee and fill your Uncle in okay, I love you" I gave him a quick nod as I felt him place a kiss on my head.

I crawled off his knee and made my way upstairs till I reached my bathroom.

I removed all of my clothes and kicked them to the corner of the bathroom, when I took another look at my hands my stomach turned making me hunch over the toilet, throwing up violently.

I clutched on to my stomach and started shaking when more tears escaped.

I turned on the shower and stepped in letting the hot water run down my body. Bits of mud and blood swirled at the bottom of the bath as it dripped off my body down the plughole. 

I can't believe I actually killed Mason, but someone else did too. I need to know who that was, then I thought about the unknown number that has been texting me for a while now. I need to ask him.

I scrubbed my whole body trying to remove every last bit of dirt on me but I still felt disgusting. I still felt like I had Callum's blood all over me.

Every time I close my eyes I see him dying in my arms, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes looking into mine before kissing me and taking his last breath.

The DealOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant