Chapter 5: The Deal.

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Jace above^^^

The Deal

Pulling up to Starbucks I can already smell the strong scent of coffee flowing through the air, making me happy on the inside knowing I'll be getting my dose of caffeine. Hopefully for free too since I've been dragged here for some unknown reason.

I'm a little bit obsessed with coffee, I can't go a day without it. I think Jace could tell that I'm a little bit excited as he looked over at me and gave me one of his wide gorgeous smiles.

I think I just died a little inside.

I heard someone huff with annoyance before I could smile back.

"Well come on then, I don't have all day."

West opened his car door a bit too rough and slammed it shut making the car shake.

Wow, what was his problem? It look's like it's not just girls who has that time of the month.

Taking a deep breath I opened my own door and stepped out to be hit by the cold wind, wrapping my arms around my body scolding myself for just wearing denim shorts and a loose top.

"Here take this" Jace came up from behind me and placed his denim jacket over my shoulders. I shivered a little walking towards the doors.

"But won't you be cold then?" I questioned him which in return he chuckled and gave me a smiling smirk, "don't worry about me Carter, do I look like I'm afraid of a little cold. I couldn't just let you freeze to death."

I felt myself blush at his statement, how can anyone be terrified of him? I honestly can't get my head around it.

"Well thank you, Jace, I appreciate it"

"No problem"

Walking through the doors to Starbucks I spot West already sat down with a coffee in his hand, well thanks for waiting for us. Before I could stomp over to him and give him a right earful I heard someone call me freckles.

I don't usually like nicknames but it's already grown on me.

"As promised I said I would buy you a coffee, so what would you like?" without even hesitating with my answer I replied, "a cafe americano please." smiling up to him he gave me a wink in return and told me he would be right over with it.

I started to walk towards the two boys who were already sat down and noticed West glancing at me with a straight face, rolling my eyes I slid onto the seat that was next to Jace.

"Do you want your jacket back?"

"Keep it, Carter."

He placed his arms on the table in front of us and leaned to the side towards me.

"It looks better on you anyway, " I could smell a hint of mint as his breath hit my face and I glanced at his lips for a second before he sat back up and took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Not a fan of coffee I see" I turned slightly so I could see Jace better, his eyes shifted towards me whilst he placed the cup back down.

"Not really cause it leaves an awful aftertaste, and I struggle to sleep whenever I have it" I chuckled at that.

"Yeah, it does give you quite the buzz."

"Right, one coffee for the lady, as promised" Callum placed my drink on the table and did a little bow, whilst I laughed at his silliness I heard a scoff coming from the person in front of me.

Why am I not surprised that it came from West, what on earth is his problem?

"Right we need to discuss something with you, so don't interrupt me" West crossed his arms and placed them on the table staring directly at me.

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