Chapter 29: Be Happy Freckles.

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The Deal

I didn't look back, I didn't care that it was raining or that it was dark. I was fuming with West and his harsh words towards me.

I huffed tucking wet pieces of hair behind my ear, listening to the rain hit the ground repeatedly. The dark, gloomy sky that lit up every few minutes and released a low rumbling thunder. I turned a corner noticing a park right across from me.

It was abandoned apart from a young girl that was sat on the swing, pushing her legs forwards and then backward making the chain creek.

What on earth is a child doing out this late and in this sort of weather?

I quickly glanced left and right making sure there were no cars before I ran across the road. I quickly walked over to the gate and pushed it open with it slamming behind me as soon as I entered.

The young girl didn't look my way, she just stayed sat in her spot looking up at the sky letting the rain land on her face. I stood there watching her, glancing around to see if she had any parents nearby. No one else was here. Just us two.

Goosebumps ran up my arms as my clothes clung to my body sending a sharp shiver up my spine. I slowly made my way over to the little girl stopping a few steps behind.

"Hey sweety, are you here alone?" The sound of my voice made her stop the swing and as she turned around I couldn't believe who it was.


Masons ten-year-old sister. The only family he had left, what was she doing here without him? She was the sweetest girl, who I grew to love when I dated her brother.

"Hopey" I opened my arms and smiled at her watching her run towards me, her long dark blonde hair bouncing around. Her little arms wrapped around my waist giving me a tight squeeze.

I lay my chin on top of her head and gave her a quick kiss before stepping back to look at her. "Here take this"

I took my coat off and placed it over her small body. Kneeling down so I was her height, I saw the little girl I once knew but her eyes were filled with sadness. I took a strand of her wet hair inbetween my fingers to place it behind her ear.

"What are you doing here, where is Mason? You could catch a cold being out in this weather" I stated with concern lacing my voice. She wouldn't look at me, but then I noticed a few tears fall down her cheeks.

I wiped them away bringing her into another hug. "You can tell me whats wrong, it's okay Millie"

"I'm so sorry" She sniffled.

"What are you sorry for?"

"He made me do it" Then she started to cry louder. That's when I heard a voice that made my blood run cold. I peered over her shoulder to see Mason stood there with a poisonous smirk plastered on his face.

He started to clap taking a step forward before calling over Millie. Before she could go anywhere, I stood on my feet and hid her behind me.

"She isn't going anywhere with you Mason" I kept one of my hands held onto her whilst I curled my other one into a fist.

"How pathetic are you, using your sister to lure me out? Low blow Mase." I spoke calmly.

A chilling laugh left his mouth, eyeing me up and down then he glared at something below my face.

"It worked, didn't it? Well at least I get to kill two bird with one stone" He said in a malicious tone. My face went from fear to a stone cold expression.

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