Chapter 26: Unexpected News.

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The Deal

Well, a few weeks have passed and my sickness has become worse. I am throwing up every single day, I don't have the energy to do anything anymore. I look absolutely awful and Lily has started to notice.

West has asked me a few times if I'm okay, and I've just brushed it off saying it's a bug and I'll be better soon. I don't want to worry him in case it's something worse.

Sat in my bed wrapped up in my fluffy blanket, I was watching vampire diaries when my phone started to buzz. The unknown number has messaged me again.

"I hope you feel better soon Hope, I remember when I used to look after you. The times when you were sick broke my heart like it's doing now. Don't worry, we will be seeing each other very soon Bambi x"

I threw my phone across the room probably making it smash to pieces, but I didn't care right now. This person is scaring the shit out of me.

What does he mean when he used to look after me? There were a number of people who cared for me and Miles when we were little. I am getting sick of all this shit, this person is a coward hidden behind a bloody screen. How pathetic can you get?

I lay back down onto my bed staring into space, just when I was about to close my eyes ready to drift off for a bit Lily walked in with a plastic bag in her hand.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on your date with that Sophie girl?"

She came over to me shaking her head.

"I rearranged it knowing how sick you are, I thought we could have a movie night with some salted popcorn and chocolate, obviously the popcorn is for you"

"Lil you should go on your date" I tried to encourage her but she was having none of it.

"I also came here for something else." She opened the bag and pulled out a long box, I took it out of her hand and read the label. Pregnancy test.

I looked over at her, my eyes open wide with shock.

"Lil I'm not pregnant..." She put her hand up to interrupt me.

"Don't give me that, you and West have had sex so many times now. You're constantly sick, you look like shit Hope. You've also put on a little weight" She mumbled the last part thinking I didn't hear her but I did.

"Geez thanks a bunch, Lil, can you be any blunter" I sat back against my pillows.

She smiled. "I try, but in all seriousness, have you used any form of contraception?"

We always used something and I'm on the pill anyway but she's kind of right. Then I remembered the night when I went to visit Miles grave. We weren't thinking, we were just so desperate for each other nothing else mattered. 

"Shit" I mumbled.

"We forgot just once, only one fucking time," I said a little bit louder becoming more annoyed with myself.

"Sometimes the once is all it needs Hope" I looked over at my friend knowing she's right. So I took the pregnancy test and trudged over to my bathroom. I read over the instructions and followed the instructions. Once I had finished I placed it next to the sink and sat on the floor with Lily waiting for the results.

"Whatever happens, I'll be by your side no matter what" She takes my hand in hers making my eyes well up.

"What if West leaves me? He already has so much on his plate, and bringing a child into this world is dangerous. I'm only 17 years old, I can't be a mum" I sniffled.

"That boy loves you, Hope, you don't have to worry about him leaving"

The timer goes off signaling that it's time to see the results. My hands started shaking with nerves.

"Can you check" I whisper over to Lily. She stood up and picked up the test peering down to it. She knelt in front of me and said a sentence I thought I wouldn't hear in a very long time.

"You're pregnant Hope" Everything just became silent. I'm pregnant. I'm going to be a mum.

Tears started streaming down my face, I silently cried trying to catch my breath. Lily wrapped her arms around me, stroking my hair telling me everything is going to be fine and we will get through this. I just sank into her letting my emotions overcome me.

Now I need to figure out a way to tell West.



Unknown Pov.

As I sent the text over to Hope I looked back up to my little spy. He was pacing the room frantically, his hands over his head mumbling under his breath.

"I can't do it anymore, I can't spy on West or Hope anymore. This is getting way out of hand. I don't give a fuck what you do to Mason, he deserves it but they don't. This obsession you have over her is sick, you're ten years older than her for Christ sake!" He yelled coming closer to me.

I stood up and looked over at him, holding no emotion on my face.

"I don't need to explain myself to you, you work for me unless you want me to kill your precious sister and nephew?" He looked at me with pleading eyes. That's all it takes for him to nod and sit on the seat across from me.

"She will soon be mine, I don't care who gets in my way. They will die, it's that simple" I poured myself a drink and took a sip.

"Mason will soon follow the same fate that his gang has met over these past few weeks. Then I need your help to take down West's, I need to break him. Make him suffer before I take his miserable life. I have plans and I expect them to go as planned. I should never have left her and Miles all them years ago but it was to protect them. Now he is dead." I growled.

I gulp the rest of my drink. "I refuse to let her see the same fate, now I can protect her. I can finally have her after all this time."

He finally spoke up looking out of the window. "What if she doesn't want you though?"

I laugh at his question."Oh, she will, after I tell her about our past and reveal that her West isn't as innocent as she may think" I stand up straightening my suit, making my way over to the window I quickly glance at the picture of her from all them years ago.

"I'm a patient man Jace, even if she doesn't end up cooperating, a little torture and maybe some brainwashing might have to happen to make her see sense. I haven't worked this hard over the years for my plan not to work. I will have her and they will all fall." I turn to face him smirking a little.

"I can promise you that"


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