Chapter 9: All A Lie.

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Hope's dad (Tyler Carter) above^^^

The Deal

Have you ever felt like someone is watching you? I feel like someone's eyes are burning holes in the back of my head right now. Maybe I shouldn't have left the house this late at night, not knowing where I am.

I couldn't stay though, I have never seen West act like that before. I wasn't going to stick around to be insulted more.

Don't think I need to be worried about my feelings towards him, cause after tonight they have vanished.

Walking down the secluded road in the pitch-black night, with the odd faint light coming from the lamp posts I couldn't help but feel scared. It's not a feeling I'm used to anymore. Today is the most I have felt it in two years.

My brother was the one who protected me from everything, he was the other half of me.

The wind started to pick up causing the hairs on my arms to stand up and my whole body to shiver.

Turning a corner on to a street I didn't know I heard a twig snap causing me to whip around.

I saw a large figure standing a few feet behind me, his arms crossed whilst staring daggers at me.

Of all the people in this world, it had to be him who had to show up.

"I see you still have no life Kyle, spending your nights following me around." I huffed in annoyance, looking around to see if he brought anyone else with him. Well, what a surprise two others appear.

"Timmy and Ross, it's been a while since I've seen you two" Both of them walked towards me and gave me a quick hug saying their hello's.

Kyle, Timmy, and Ross are in the same gang as Mason. They are apart of his inner circle. Another one of them is a sweet guy called Conner who is a no show tonight. I was always close to the three of them apart from one.

Kyle and I never saw eye to eye, for some strange reason he didn't like me. That didn't stop him from trying to get me into his bed, making me another one of his conquests.

He disgusts me.

"Well someone had to keep an eye on you, bosses orders." I caught an evil glint in his eyes as he looked my body up and down.

I tried not to gag.

Caleb was right, he did get one of his goons to follow me. Typical.

"Oh yeah, that's right, you were always such a good lap dog for Mason" trying to hold back my smile, he started to become angrier and angrier balling his fists up stepping forward.

"You still can't control your anger I see. Maybe next time you shouldn't fucking follow me and go and get a life you dick instead of being obsessed with mine."

He launched forward ready to attack but the other boys held him back whilst he struggled against them.

"You're a bitch, I hate you and I hated your brother. He deserved to die. I just wish I was there to see him take his last breath that night." He calmed down tricking the other two into thinking they could let him go. In the blink of an eye, he had both of them on the floor, out cold.

Before I could react to what he said about Miles I was being pushed back against the fence with a harsh force and held me by my throat.

His face came close to mine as he slowly said "You've grown a lot through the last two years. You've become a woman instead of a little girl." He purred in my ear trying to sound attractive but all it did was make me feel sick.

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