Chapter 34: The New Student.

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The Deal

I had to go back to college earlier than I was supposed to. I was starting to go mad being trapped at home, thinking about Callum's death. My mystery stalker and the person who wants to murder me and my baby.

Callum's funeral is in a few days and honestly, I wasn't prepared for it. It still doesn't feel real. Sometimes I still expect him to just turn up and be his flirty self. I miss him.

I was currently stood in Starbucks waiting for my daily coffee to take to college with me. The boys have slept in and Lily has a dentist appointment this morning. So I have to take myself.

Lazy bastards.

"Here is your coffee," The young girl behind the counter said, handing me my drink. I gave her a genuine smile and said thank you.

I shifted my bag into a more comfortable position before opening the door to leave the shop. 

As the door closed I spun around straight into a body. My coffee went everywhere and I was about to fall backward when a pair of strong arms circled around my waist catching me.

I placed my hands against their chest trying to calm my breathing down, I looked up to see a familiar face.

"Hope is it?" I stared at him for a few more seconds before shaking my head, trying to gather my thoughts.

"That's me, and your Ashton right?" He gave me a little nod with his arms still around me.

I looked down to see a coffee stain on his clean white shirt. I pushed away to reach for a tissue in my bag.

"Shit I am so sorry about that, I honestly didn't see you there. I can be so clumsy at times..." He started to chuckle whilst reaching for the tissue and dabbing it onto the stain.

"Don't worry about it Hope, it's only coffee. It will come out." He said softly.

"I still feel really bad, let me buy you a coffee or something to make up ruining your morning" I gave him a nervous smile as he studied my face.

"Alright if you insist, and you definitely didn't ruin my morning. Anyone would be lucky to run into someone as beautiful as you" He used one of his hands to open the door for me, giving me a side smile.

"Thank you" I stepped inside with him closing the door behind me.

"So where are you off to?" He asked.

"College. I have a lot to catch up with"

The young woman asked us for our order and before I could reply to her, Ashton swooped in and ordered it himself. Paying as well.

"Hey, I was supposed to pay for that" I turned so I could face him. He glanced my way, shrugging his broad shoulders.

"Like I would ever let a lady pay for something, It's my treat."

"Next time then" I mumbled, reaching into my bag to answer the phone.

"So there will be a next time then" One of his eyebrows shot up, sending a small smirk my way.

I blushed turning around not knowing what to say to that. "Hello?" 

"Why didn't you wake me up, you know I don't like it when you're by yourself," West spoke to me, clearly irritated and worried about me.

"Don't worry about it, I'm erm with a friend" I muttered looking over at Ashton.

"And who is this friend?" He questioned.

"No one you know, now hurry up and get ready. I'll meet you at college I love you byeeee" Then I hung up, he would have had me on the phone forever if I didn't.

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