Chapter 8: His Weakness.

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Caleb above^^^ (he has hazel eyes instead of blue)

The Deal

"So how exactly do you want me to help with taking down his gang?" I asked all the boys.

When I was with Mason he was only a gang member, he wasn't actually the leader. I want to know how he managed to become the leader of the dragons in the space of two years, although it definitely does explain how he has become so cold towards people.

They all look at each other waiting for one of them to answer me. "Today would be nice."

I look over at West to see him looking at me, his plump lips parted a little. He starts to blink rapidly when he notices that I am looking back. "Well we need you to get close to him again, maybe become his girlfriend..."

"WHAT" all of us shout. I thought I only had to date him again, try and act nice towards him just to take him down. Not become his girlfriend. Nope not today, not ever.

"We didn't agree to that West, I don't like getting her involved with all of this shit as it is! You can not expect her to be a part of this. You are the one who wants to take him down...." I could see Caleb become angrier by the second until West snapped whilst hitting the table with all of his strength.

West's eyes became cold, and he had a stern look on his face.

"Shut the hell up Caleb, she is the only one who can do this. The idiot is in love with her. Hope is the only one who can find out his weakness. End of." My eyes went wide watching the two brothers argue.

Mason doesn't care about anybody apart from one person, if she is the key to taking them down then I won't allow it. Even if it kills me, I will find another way to do it.

"No," I finally said stopping their argument instantly.

"What do you mean no?" West shifted his eyes to me.

"What do you think no means you, idiot?" I snapped at him.

Jace put his large hand on my arm to stop me from doing anything stupid, his touch calmed me down a little.

"The only weakness that I know of is his little sister, and I will not let anything happen to her. She is just a child for god's sake" Taking a deep breath and intertwining my fingers together trying to hold back my anger.

"We need to find another way alright, this isn't up for discussion" Before anyone could say anything else a boy around our age walked in and went straight to West.

The boy was lightly tanned, with light messy brown hair. Wearing some glasses which made him look cute and nerdy. He looks a bit shorter compared to the rest of them, but still taller than me. I didn't quite listen to what he said but whatever it was made Callum, Jace and West leave the room without saying another word.

Caleb stood up once we were alone and turned towards me. "Seen as you will be staying here tonight and I'm assuming you haven't eaten. Should we order some food?"

"What make's you think I haven't eaten yet?" as soon as the words left my mouth, a loud rumble echoed through the dining room. I blushed hoping he missed that but that didn't happen.

One of his eyebrows shot up whilst giving me a cocky smirk, "Well your stomach just confirmed my assumption, now come on beautiful let's feed you." He led me to a large living room that was filled with two large grey couches pointing to a flat-screen TV, there were some ornaments scattered around the room.

It was quite plain with just grey and white with the odd silver on the cushions and curtains but it was beautiful and very cosy.

I sat on the couch next to Caleb whilst he scrolled through his phone looking for a place to order from. I couldn't help but stare at him, he had bright white hair that fell over his forehead with no effort made to it. His eyes were a hazel colour that always seems to sparkle. A little freckle just underneath his right eye, the corner of his mouth lifted a little which meant he was smirking.

"Yano you should just take a picture, it'll last longer."

He set his foot down on the coffee table in front of us and started to do some poses. "Is this good enough for you beautiful? I think I should quit the gang life and become a model."

I couldn't help but laugh a little too loudly, then soon enough he joined in with me.

I love being around Caleb, I'm not going to lie I think I have slight feelings for all four boys which I can't control. Well, It's more like an attraction at the moment. I know it's only been a short amount of time but I really care about them, and they've become good friends. Except for West. I don't know how to feel about him, he's just really confusing. Maybe our personalities clash, I have no idea. All I know is the more I spend time with them the more my feelings will develop and in the end I may have to choose between them.

After a few minutes, everything became quiet, not a single sound was made. All you could hear was our steady breathing and harsh wind outside. I didn't even realize how close his face was to mine just gazing into my eyes with a slight smile.

"Caleb..." I whispered. He placed his finger on my lips to silence me, whilst shaking his head leaning in closer making the tip of his nose brush against mine slightly. Then all of a sudden our lips locked. At first, the kiss was small and delicate. But then it grew more intense and passionate.

I was about to pull away, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of his lap, so I was straddling him. He wouldn't let go of me, and I was caught in the moment before I realised that this needed to stop now.

This is wrong, I shouldn't be kissing I barely know. Anybody could walk in on us and it just doesn't feel right to me.

"What is going on?" the voice boomed making me realize it was West who had just walked in on us.

I jumped off Caleb as quickly as I could trying to hide my face behind my hair. I can't believe his brother just caught us, this wasn't meant to happen. I didn't want this to happen but West didn't know that.

"You can't go round kissing my fucking brother in my house! You will be Mason's girlfriend and you will make it god-damn believable do you hear me. I will not let you ruin this for us just because you like to act like a little slut." Anger was all I heard in his voice. Pure anger and hatred.

I gasped at his harsh words. I rarely ever cry or show weakness but no one has ever raised their voice at me like that. The way he stormed up to me and squared right up to me making me stumble a little, and before he could say anything else his brother pushed him back with a lot of force.

"Don't you dare speak to her like that again, if you're gonna blame anyone for that kiss then blame me. I started it but I don't fucking regret it." He took a large step closer to West and glared at him, his body shaking with anger.

"Show her some respect, she isn't at fault here. Just because you didn't do it first," that's all it took for West to lose it, his arm swung back, and he hit Caleb right in the face making him fall back.

I jumped in front of him before he could cause any more damage to Caleb's face.

"Stop West, what is your problem? That's your brother you just hit, you need to take a good look in the mirror Shaw and find me when you calm down."

I look back at Caleb and offer him a small smile, I walked around West towards the doorway and just before leaving I gave him one last look.

"Acting like a dick won't make yours any bigger," Then I stormed out of the house into the cold icy air without looking back again.


Caleb's Pov.

I can't believe I just kissed her, I wasn't planning on doing that tonight but seeing her smile and laugh with me made my heart beat faster. I couldn't hold back much longer. I have never met a girl like this in my life. She is absolutely stunning with her bright blue eyes underneath her long thick eyelashes.

Her brown wavy hair that stopped just above her chest always smelt of sweet strawberries. Which has become my favourite fruit?

She is kind, friendly, funny but definitely has a sharp tongue on her. I like that about her.

Her height is short but her body is toned and curvy in all the right places, and her lips are a bright red that always looks so kissable. I can't believe she left the house this late at night. Anything could happen to her out there.

I could kill my brother for saying such harsh words towards her that aren't even the slightest bit true. I like this girl and I could definitely see me falling for her.

The only problem is Callum and Jace. I was worried about West too but after his little stunt tonight, I don't think she's ever going to look at him the same again. I see the way the other two look at her, anyone with eyes can.

"We have to go and look for her now, it's not safe for her out there this late at night." I stormed out of the room ready to go out and search for her, bring her back safe until the other two interrupted.

"Where is Hope?" Callum asked looking a bit worried about Jace by his side, I noticed he looked over my head making me know that my brother was standing right behind me. I took a pause before explaining " I kissed Hope, West caught us and frightened her to death making her run out of the house. Now let's go."

Without giving them a chance to answer me, I picked up my leather jacket and left the house.

Please be okay beautiful.


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Ciao! x

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