Chapter 22: First Meeting

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The Deal

Weeks had passed since I found out who murdered Mason and I must have written down every single way I could murder him whilst on house arrest.

After West and Callum had that little fight I decided to stay at mine giving them both space. Also, my dad didn't want me to leave his sight after me nearly dying and running off.

West messages and phones me every day but he's been busy figuring out why men keep going missing, well most of Masons men. He doesn't particularly care that they are dying, he just doesn't want the same happening to him and his men.

He also has a gang to run at the end of the day which takes up a lot of his time.

Lily comes over every day eating everything in my house and watching the vampire diaries with me. I also spend a lot of time with Ryan when he's not doing jobs for West.

No one will ever replace my brother but he fills most of that hole in my heart that has been missing for two years. I am so grateful for that.

Finally, it's Sunday and I can go back to college tomorrow. Is it weird that I am excited? maybe. But I am slowly starting to go crazy in this house., hardly seeing anyone. I love my best friend but there's only so much you can hear about girls, chicken nuggets and how dangerous my life has become.

Monday morning came and I was up to early, excited to leave the house for a full day and interact with other people instead of listening to my dad shout at the countdown on the tv.

It's now November so the weather is absolutely freezing right now, rain pouring down from the dull grey sky, wind howling as loud as thunder.

So I threw on a simple stripy top, black jeans with knee length brown boots and my comfy cardigan. Lightly curling my hair and applying some makeup, I was ready to go.

I ran down the steps jumping down the last few quickly putting on my coat and grabbing my bag

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I ran down the steps jumping down the last few quickly putting on my coat and grabbing my bag. Just before I was about to leave I hear my dad call me from behind.

"I hope you're having some breakfast before you leave, it is the most important meal of the day after all" I huffed and rolled my eyes annoyed that I was so close to leaving the house without being caught. I turned around to face my dad, crossing my arms tapping my foot.

"Seriously dad, I'll get something at college. I'll even send you a picture if you really want. Ryan is outside ready to take me." I could hear Ryan beeping from outside making me become inpatient whilst my dad pretends to ponder stroking his overgrown stubble smirking like a little child.

"Alright you can go but I want that picture, Hope" My dad warned playfully but I knew he was actually serious about the picture.

"Yeah yeah bye dad love you" I gave him a quick kiss and left the house forgetting to close the door behind me.

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