Chapter 35: You Can't Choose Family.

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The Deal

Noah's Pov.

Finally, after a shit day at college, I'm home. I throw my bag on the floor as I walk to the living room where my brother should be, and I was right. 

There he was sat in his chair with a glass of bourbon in one hand, and a picture of Hope in the other. If you ask me I think it's fucking creepy with his obsession over her but who am I to judge?

I stood in the doorway, my arms crossed over my chest, coughing to get his attention. His head shot up in my direction.

"Am I interrupting your thinking time brother?" I asked taking a seat across from him.

He sit's up a little taking a gulp of his drinking before responding. 

"Not at all, so did you meet her today?" Straight to Hope, I knew it. I nodded taking a quick look outside the window. Snow drifting down from the white sky, setting on the ground.

"It's not gonna be easy though, I don't just have West to look out for. There are a few others too that are protective of her." I noticed him taking a deep breath, and his hand tightening a little around his glass.

"You will just have to try harder then, I have spoken to her the odd time but I can't get too close to her. You need to make her fall for you. Break Wests heart at the same time"

"You do know she's pregnant right? She's hot and all but I can't fuck her. Not yet at least" The last part I said wasn't true.

Maybe, but I just wanted to see his reaction. He glared at me with his eyebrows creasing together, his lip twitching trying not to lose his temper.

"You won't be fucking her, I may not like it but I am allowing you to do whatever but sleeping with her isn't an option. She's mine, it's bad enough she's carrying Wests fucking kid" He snapped making me smirk for a second without him noticing.

"Chill, so you just want me to get close to her? What is this going to accomplish?"

"I don't want anything out of this but her, me becoming a powerful gang leader was so I could protect her for when I came back. I know this may take time and I am a very patient man. I have waited ten years for Hope, what's a little longer?" He stood up and made his way over to the window, looking out with a stone cold look on his face.

"Don't throw your drink at me but is this even worth it, I mean you've obsessed over her since you were seventeen. I thought you wanted to take down the black spades and the headhunters? Mason has already been killed, now why don't you just take the rest out?" I said.

He turned my way stepping a little closer. "I will kill them all, but like I said and I won't repeat myself again. I want her and I will have her. The baby will be gone when she has it either way, even if I have to kill it" He yelled before throwing his glass at the wall.

I just huffed out becoming impatient with him. and this conversation.

"You're sick, you know that?" I spoke becoming a little disturbed by his words.

I started to walk away when he yelled my name making me stop in my tracks.

"Don't piss me off Noah, just do your god damn job" He bellowed.

I turned my head a little to see him a little closer to me.

"I'll do it but I will not be involved with what you do to her child, this will never work anyway. If you hurt her child or even kill the people she loves she will never like you. So no I honestly don't understand why you are doing this" I spoke calmly, I couldn't bear to be in the same room as this sick bastard much longer.

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