Chapter 37: Goodbyes.

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The Deal

Ryan just sat there looking into space after I asked him to run away with me. I understand that what I am asking is big and may get him into trouble with West, but I need him. More than anyone.

For some time he did replace the hole in my heart for Miles, I did look at him as a brother and friend but after the whole situation with West, I feel more than friendship.

He's been there for me through everything, besides Lily of course. My feelings for him have always been hidden behind my love for West. I do love him, he's the father to my daughter but I'm not in love with him anymore.

I've seen his true colours now, the ruthless gang leader that he has always been, I've just been too dumb to see it. Too in love in fact.

At the end of the day, my daughter means the most to me over anyone. Her being West Shaw's daughter puts her in immediate danger. I know I am the heir to the headhunters but I'm not evil. I wasn't brought up to do the things West was.

I don't know who I can trust anymore, but I do know I need to leave. For the sake of mine and my daughter's life. A battle was about to begin but I can't be involved.

Not yet anyway.

I placed my hand on Ryans cheek, making him look at me. His eyes reminded me of Callums, a beautiful chocolate brown but his were a few shades lighter.

He was so handsome.

"I know this is a lot to ask of you but I can't do this alone, I need someone who I can trust and who I care about immensely. Someone who I know that will stay by my side, who won't judge me for what I need to do..."

My speech was cut short when I felt Ryans lips on mine.

My speech was cut short when I felt Ryans lips on mine

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His lips were so soft, this kiss was amazing. My hand rested against his hard chest making me feel every rapid beat of his heart nervously thudding in the same sweet rhythm as mine. I breathe him in, the sweet smell of mint.

His arms pull me closer so I can feel every curve of his body. Ryans hand moves up my back to cup the back of my head as our lips finally move creating a burst of passion. I melt into him, the intoxicating rush of love filling me up from top to bottom.

He starts to move his other hand along my body pushing me against the head of the bed behind me. He swiftly pulls me on top of him, my legs wrapping around his waist. My fingers entangling in his thick longish hair. His lips start to trail down my neck sending tingles through my body.

My breath hitches when he reaches my collar bone making him stop, his eyes finding mine. A cute little smile forming on his face.

"You don't know how long I have waited to do that, I never thought it was possible to feel that good" I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, my heart fluttering with his words.

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