Chapter 17: Friend Date.

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The Deal

Finally after a long tiring day with everyone they eventually left me to get some sleep. The nurse gave me some morphine not long ago for the pain which means it won't be long till I pass out in a deep sleep.

All I could think about was West, he left not long after he told me that he was starting to fall for me. God, he can be so hot and cold sometimes.

Apparently, there was some business he had to deal with, something involving another gang moving to town, I wasn't really listening properly.

I turned over onto my side getting comfortable ready to fall asleep when I heard the doors open banging against the wall, I jumped a little making me cringe in pain. I looked over to see who had come in to find Mason stood there with a stern look on his face.

"M-mason what are you doing here? I thought you were gone for another week." He looked over at me then closed the door keeping his hand on the handle.

"Did you really expect me to stay there when I heard my girlfriend was stabbed?" His voice was sharp and low. I could see him tense his muscles and wriggle his fingers trying to calm down.

He then looked at me before carrying on "What the hell were you doing there with the black spades? My men have seen you leave their house multiple times since I have been gone, how can you be so stupid to become a bargain in one of their ridiculous deals Hope, you could have died."

Nothing about him was calm anymore, he was fuming with me. I started to sit up carefully, so I didn't hurt myself in the process.

"How many times have I told you not to send your guys to spy on me, I have no problem with the life that you lead but that is one thing I am against Mason" I spoke.

"I told you me and Caleb are partners in our English class, that's why I have been seen at their house. That is all, will you stop being such a control freak"

The sooner I find a way to break his pathetic gang the sooner I can get away from him for good.

"I do it to keep you safe! I can't stand seeing you hurt, and believe me when I find Michael and the rest of them including his leader they are gonna be begging me to end their life."

I felt light headed when he said that, I wouldn't let him hurt my Uncle even if it killed me. He and my dad are the only family I have left and I'll be damned if anything happens to them. 

Mason sat on the edge of my bed scanning my body up and down looking at my injuries. He held my hand making me flinch slightly but he didn't notice.

"No one will ever touch you again, I am the only one who can hold you, touch you and kiss you. I don't like the way West looks at you" He said sternly.

"Please, West can't stand me. The amount of arguments we have when I'm over there is ridiculous. He hates me so you have nothing to worry about" He just nodded laying down pulling me with him till his arms were wrapped around me and my head was lay against his chest.

I really need to think about how I'm going to help take him down, there must be something I could do then it hit me. You can't be one of the most feared gangs without your members.

I smirked slightly feeling proud that I have finally found a way that could possibly destroy his gang.

"Mason I need to tell you something" He just hummed telling me to go on.

"Kyle tried to rape me."


A few days have passed and I am officially fed up of this room. I'm going crazy. The smell of the hospital, I haven't had a decent coffee in ages and everyone has been busy apart from my dad who's stopped by every night updating me.

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