Chapter 2: Trouble Brewing.

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Lily above^^^

The Deal

Not much really happened for the next two weeks in college, Lily did start dating this girl called Megan and it was going quite well. That was until they went on a date one night and she decided it was a good idea to take some chicken nuggets off Lily's plate.

Obviously, if you don't know her as I do you would probably think she's a lunatic for reacting how she did but I know better then to take her precious chicken nuggets.

Mason has been more annoying and creepier than usual, constantly trying to speak to me and asking me out on dates all of the time. It's pretty pathetic and desperate if you ask me.

He thinks I don't see him flirting with other girls before he comes over to me and uses them cheesy pickup lines like, "they say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Well apparently, no one has ever been standing next to you" or "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

I have no idea what I used to see in him but I am glad he isn't my problem anymore.

Whenever he spots West, Callum or Jace he either walks the other direction or tries to do something to aggravate the three of them.

I honestly have no idea what is happening between them or if they even know each other, but I will get to the bottom of it.

What is strange though is the three boys don't speak to anyone besides me or sometimes Lily if she's ever around me.

No, we haven't spoken loads but Callum never passes an opportunity to flirt with me or tell Lily that it's hot being a lesbian. Everyone else is too scared to look at them, let alone speak to them. I just think they're rather misunderstood or I'm just not as frightened as everyone else.

I've learned a few things about each of them, for starters, West Shaw is eighteen years old and isn't the friendliest of the three.

He doesn't speak loads and when he does, let's just say he needs his mouth washed out with some soap and water.

He actually has a younger brother who is my age called Caleb, they are complete opposites, where he has blonde hair and brown eyes and West has brown hair and deep blue eyes, let's not forget he's a lot friendlier than his brother.

We've spoken quite a few times as he is in my English class, which we are actually working on a couple project together at the minute.

Secondly, we have Callum Reed who is the biggest flirt I have ever met and dead cheerful out of the three.

Sometimes I see him playing football in his spare time, he's a lot more athletic than he is academic, Lily is in a different English class to me but is in the same one as Callum, all she does is complain about how dumb he is.

Apparently, he started copying her work and when she told him to fuck off he started paying someone to do his homework for him.

Then we have Jace Porter who is a sweetheart. I think he is a bit old school and keeps to himself most of the time but he seems to light up whenever he passes me in the corridor or when we have a conversation.

I learned that he has an older sister who he adores named Jasmine and she has a little boy Jacob.

I think they like the letter J but it's cute, he looks after him a lot. I've seen some pictures of him and he just looks like a mini Jace.

Right now I am sat outside waiting for Lily to come, apparently she is finishing off the homework that she didn't do for her English class but she's either eating chicken nuggets or a girl.

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