Chapter 4: Painful Memories.

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Callum above^^^

Sitting in the back seat with Callum whilst Jace drives and West sits beside him I can't help but think about my brother.

Wondering would my life be different if he was still with me, every single night I dream about him. I either dream about our memories together or seeing him die right in front of my eyes. 

They say over time it should become easier after losing a loved one but I don't think anything will help you get over the loss.

Sure after a while, you learn to stop crying every single day, or not break down ever time someone asks if you're okay.

For the past two years, I have tried my hardest to find out who was responsible for killing my brother that night. I just want to know how someone can just knock someone down and then leave without turning back.


Walking down our street coming back from Starbucks with my brother Miles, laughing my head off with the ridiculously bad joke's he is coming up with. "Alright this is a good one Hope. "

He stops right in front of me placing his hands on top of my shoulders to keep me still, "why was six afraid of seven?"

"Hmm I have no idea Miles, please, do tell."

"Because seven was a well-known six offender." He whispers and starts to wiggle his eyebrows at a fast pace. I snorted and started to walk around him whilst he finished laughing at his own joke like he usually does.

When he Finally caught up to me he threw his arm over my shoulder and give me a little nudge, "Yano sis, all jokes aside, I'm not the biggest fan about you and Mason being together."

I suddenly stopped and turned towards him furrowing my eyebrows together and crossing my arms waiting for him to proceed.

"Before you kill me with that look or say anything just hear me out." Miles straightened himself out and took a deep breath.

"He's my best friend but that doesn't mean he is a good person, and he's definitely not a good person for my little sister" I scoffed and turned my heel ready to start walking across the road whilst shouting back at him."No one will ever be good enough for me Miles, I'm not having this fucking conversation with you."

"Goddammit Hope just listen to me." I stopped my movements and spun round to see Miles shaking with anger, I didn't even realize where I was even stood till I heard an engine coming closer towards us.

I looked to my left to see a car speeding down to the road and headlights shining right at me making it impossible to see properly. 

All I heard was Miles shouting my name and telling me to move but it's like my whole body just shut down. Suddenly I felt a heavy force push me across the road out of the way, I hit the other side of the pavement with a loud thud scraping all my left side against the rough ground. I shuck my head and looked up to see my brother lay on the floor, quickly standing up I ran over to him with a little limp.

"No no no no Miles wake up, wake up please." shouting and shaking him, tears falling down my reddened cheeks.

"You cannot leave me, you always promised me you would be by my side no matter what. " I couldn't hold back anymore, more and more tears just kept on running down my cheeks whilst I looked at my best friend, my brother, my whole world.

"Hope!" I didn't even look up to see who was shouting me, laying my head on my brother's chest as my cries became louder I could hear multiple footsteps approaching me.

Someone gripped hold of me and pulled me off Miles, "Get off me please, I need to ring an ambulance now!" I started kicking my legs out until I saw it was Timmy, one of my boyfriend's friends holding me tight trying to calm me down.

Mason was knelt down beside my brother speaking to him and every once in a while he would peer over me. I placed my head in the crook of Timmy's neck whilst he rubbed my back and held me up as soon as my knees started to buckle. 

"M-mason you ha-have to promise m-me to look aft-after my sister o-o-okay, she needs yo-you more now tha-than ever"

"I promise Miles."

"Hope I-I love you so mu-much, don't ever forget tha-that. I will always b-be with you." pushing myself off Timmy I ran and dropped down onto the ground next to him.

Taking his hand in mine, trying not to shake so much, "Please don't leave me, I don't think I can do this without you." Using my other hand to try and wipe some of my tears away, I felt a soft  hand caress my cheek.

"Yes, you c-can b-bambi." I smiled a little at the nickname he gave me when I was four, my favourite film was Bambi and sometimes I would pretend to be a deer learning how to walk again like Bambi does in the film.

I slowly bent forward and placed a trembling kiss to his head, then I heard him take his last breath and his hand went limp. I couldn't keep quiet anymore crying and screaming that my best friend had gone, the only person who has ever been there for me truly and knew the real me. The one person who never judged me, the person who I used to go to when I was scared or upset. My other half has gone.

"Come on princess, you need to stand up. An ambulance is on its way." Mason tried prying me off him but I wouldn't let go.

"GET OFF ME." shaking my head from side to side, holding on to Miles a bit tighter.

"I am not leaving him till they come, h-he didn't deserve this." sniffling even more trying to see out of my watery eyes, I saw a flashing light ahead of us and the sounds of sirens approaching. 

"I love you, Miles, I'll find out who did this even if it's the last thing I do." whispering in his ear one last time so Mason and Timmy couldn't hear.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, just a little bit of a backstory on what happened to Miles. Sorry, it might be a bit boring and short but It needs to be done for you to understand.

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