Chapter 7. The Black Spades.

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Miles above^^^

The Deal

This has been the longest and most stressful day of my entire life and it isn't even over yet.

Arriving at my house I shut my front door and lean against it with a heavy sigh. I can hear some noises coming from the kitchen, so I hang Jace's jacket up and put my bag down on the couch making my way through the front room towards the kitchen.

I peered through the kitchen doorway and saw my dad sitting at the kitchen table holding a cup of coffee speaking to a man who had his back to me.

"Hey pumpkin," my dad smiled at me before drinking more of his coffee.

Then the mystery man spun around and my face lit up in an instant.

"Uncle Harry," I shrieked before running over and jumping on to him. He chuckled whilst spinning me around.

"What are you doing here, dad didn't mention you were visiting."

He finally put me back down on the floor and ruffled my hair.

"Well, I've come to see my favourite niece obviously" I sent my uncle and dad a weird look.

"I am your only niece, so tell me the real reason" I crossed my arms in front of the two men waiting for an answer.

My uncle works away, doing what I have no idea. He doesn't have any children or partner, this is why he can be so overprotective of me. My dad is two years younger than him. He's like my second dad. When my brother passed away he came to the funeral but then he disappeared for a while. I never found out why I was just glad to see him again. When he does come to visit us both he end's up staying for a few months. It will be nice to have someone else in the house for a while. So I'm not complaining.

"I'm just having some trouble with work angel, no need to worry though. So I might be staying here a little longer than usual."

He gave me a reassuring smile, so I just shrugged it off and smiled back at him.

"Well, it will be nice to have someone else in the house, and someone to teach my dad that wtf doesn't mean well that's fantastic in text messages," My dad huffed as I pointed my finger at him.

I opened the fridge door to pull a water bottle out before sitting with my dad at the table.

"In my defence, I am not a teenager, why would I know what words you kids come up with these days," he argued with me.

Gulping my water I lift my eyebrow up as I remarked,  "Well if you don't know what it means then just don't say it."

"Alright, you two enough bickering," finally my uncle took a seat next to us.

"So what's for tea?" My dad asked.

"Oh yeah, uncle Harry, he can't cook either." My dad rolled his eyes as Harry snorted.

"So, who's the parent in this house then? Cause it doesn't sound like it's you Tyler," before my dad could reply the doorbell rang.

Who on earth could that be?

My dad stood up and looked over at me, "you expecting anyone Hope?"

Not that I can think of, usually it's Lily but she just walks in like it's her second home. Then it clicked.

West told me Caleb would be picking me up tonight to work on our project together. Even though we wouldn't be doing that, although we really should.

"Wait, I'll answer the door, go and sit back down," I tried catching up to my dad before he made it to the door but I was too slow.

He opened the door to reveal a very happy Caleb who was rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.

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