Chapter 10: Tears.

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The Deal

I woke up in a strangers bed, not having a clue on how I got here. The room was quite big, dark blue walls with a computer desk in the corner. As I adjusted my eyes I slowly sat up in the bed with the same clothes as yesterday.

Why couldn't I remember what happened yesterday and where the hell am I?

I swung both of my legs over the bed and placed my feet firmly on the ground. As I stood up my head started to throb, glancing around the room with my hand placed against my forehead I saw a mirror on one of the walls.

Making my way over I could hear the rain hitting the window, a sound that soothes me most of the time. When I approached the mirror I instantly remember what happened last night. Kyle tried to rape me, he hit me and he told me I should have been the one to die that night.

But I thought it was just a hit and run.

A purple bruise had formed across my cheek where he slapped me. Ugh, he hits like a bitch.

All this time I thought my brother's death was an accident but now I am starting to think it was more than that. All the more reason I need to go through with this plan and get close to Mason.

A knock came from the door making me turn towards it, after a few seconds it opened revealing a very tired looking Callum.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked me with concern.

I don't know why but when he asked me that question I couldn't hold it in anymore. I just broke down. Tears started to fall down my cheeks with cries escaping my mouth. My knees started to buckle unable to hold me up anymore but before I could hit the floor he caught me.

Wrapping his warm arms around me keeping me up as I cried on his shoulder.

"Callum I miss him so much, I don't know what to do anymore." My whole body was shaking, my heart was hurting from holding all of this in for such a long time.

"Shhh it's okay I've got you, " one of his hands was rubbing my back gently whilst the other was around my waist keeping me up. After my sobs died down he gently pushed me back so he could look into my eyes.

"You will never be alone do you hear me, we will find who killed your brother. I promise you, and they will pay for it believe me."

Looking into his eyes I saw how sincere he was and how much he cared for me. Who would think that this tall and well-built man from a ruthless gang had a soft side?

"Thank you, Callum, and thank you for coming for me last night. I don't know what would have happened if none of you showed up." He suddenly tensed up looking away.

"Let's not talk about that alright, I made you your favourite coffee."

"You remembered what I like?" I asked surprised, he just looked my way with a little smile and shrugged.

"How can I forget anything to do with you freckles, now come on." He took my small hand in his large rough one making me feel tingles. We started walking down the long hallway in silence until we reached the kitchen. He looked over at me.

"Oh, and before I forget, your friend Lily has been ringing your phone none stop," I looked down to see him sliding his hand into the front pocket of his jeans pulling out my phone. He gave it to me and then started to pour me some coffee.

That's when I noticed West, Jace, Caleb and the boy with the glasses who I saw yesterday. I could feel them all staring at me and most likely at my bruised cheek.

I look over at Caleb to see him looking pissed off. It can't be because I'm stood next to Callum, can it? or maybe it's because of what happened last night. Snapping out of my thoughts I slid on to the chair next to Callum and facing the boy whose name I don't even know yet.

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