Chapter 15: Bite Me.

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The Deal

Wests Pov.

She's gone.

They took her.

I can't believe they took her away from me after they lost the fucking race. I couldn't control my anger anymore, I have never been this mad before. My jaw clenched tightly as I started pacing up and down the dirt path.

My body shaking with anger, my breathing started speeding up whilst my chest visibly rises up and down.

Nobody crosses me and lives, every single person who has ever betrayed me I kill without even blinking or giving it a second thought. After scanning the crowd wracking my brain with ideas I spot one of their men. 

Storming up to him I reach out to grab his neck throwing him down to the floor roughly making him yell in pain, some guns were raised pointing at me but more of my men were here who pointed theirs at the outnumbered men.

"I'm not messing about now, tell me where the fuck he took Hope or I'll shoot your brains out and don't think I won't" I yell getting closer to his face.

He starts to stutter, trying to pull my hands away from his throat.

"I am losing my patience, I will hunt every single one of you down till I find her" I lifted his head up off the ground and bashed it against the floor making a cracking noise. 

"Next you will be dead, now tell me WHERE THE FUCK SHE IS"

"Sh-e-e is at t-the old abandoned wa-warehouse on m-melborne st-stree-t." I sent him one last murderous look before pulling my gun out of my pocket and shooting right between the eyes. I heard some gasps and some snickers knowing they were from my men.

I stood up straight placing my gun back into my pocket and dusting of my jeans. Storming over to my car I ordered my men to grab all of our weapons and get ready to fight every last one of them until I get her back.

Part of me was being selfish cause I needed her back to take down the Dragons but the other part needed her, a little light in my life that's just surrounded by darkness.

I'm coming Hope. 

Hopes Pov

Everything was silent apart from the odd drip of water making a little sound against the floor. 

My eyes fluttered open, everything was blurry so I blinked a few times until my vision became clear. I was sat on a metal chair handcuffed by my arms in a small dark room. No light came from the windows as they were boarded up. A large door was right in front of me with scratch marks engraved into it.

"Shit I need to get out of here" I muttered to myself shaking my arms trying to loosen the chains but they wouldn't budge.

Looking around the room trying to see if there was any way I could escape but there was nothing. I'm stuck here until somebody shows up.

I started to wiggle about on the chair trying to bring some feeling back to my bum as it's gone numb from this god damn cold metal chair.

A click came from the door and it burst open revealing Michael and another man I have never seen before, he was as tall as Michael but shorter than West and the others. 

"Well look who's awake" he stepped into the room with the other man smirking at me.

"Thanks for stating the obvious. Now would you be so kind to unchain me and I'll be on my merry way" I sent him a sarcastic smile making his smirk falter. 

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