Chapter 3: Freckles

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West above^^^

The Deal

Finally, it's the end of class and I get to leave this place till tomorrow, I can't wait to go home, make a coffee, and snuggle on the couch with my cat Marley whilst I watch The vampire diaries.

Then I just remembered I have to meet West, Callum, and Jace. Looks like I can't see Damon Salvatore on my screen just yet. My thoughts were interrupted by Caleb.

"Hey, do you fancy going for ice cream or something?"

I turn my head to look up at Caleb before replying to him.

"Sorry I can't, I actually have to meet your brother and his two friends outside the college."

He looked over at me with wide eyes for a minute before saying "alright then, well maybe if your meeting up with him I might end up seeing you at my house, see you later beautiful."

After giving me a not so subtle wink he walked off into a different direction.

As I was giggling to myself and thinking over all the reasons why they would want to speak to me about something.

I didn't even realize I was being pulled away from the crowd of people into an empty hallway. Whoever it was pushed me against the cold hard wall and pinned both of my hands above my head.

"What the fuck" I yelped.

"Quiet princess, we don't want people to hear us"

I knew straight away who that was with the annoying nickname he gave me two years ago and still insists on calling me it.

His lip's start kissing up and down my neck whilst he whispers "my god I have missed you Hope, your skin, your lips and most of all your body." He purs in my ear.

His hands start to trail up my thighs towards my waist, he lifted my top up sloghtly and started rubbing small circles on my waist whilst he started kissed towards my chest.

I finally realized what was happening and I was fuming. I tried to push him away but he had a firm grip around my waist and pushed his body against me.

"Stop struggling princess, be both know you like it" he purred into my ear and then kissed me.

That was it, I bit down on his lip which made him lose his grip on me and then raised my leg and kicked him as hard as I could where no guy wants to feel pain.

Mason finally let go of me and dropped to the floor whimpering to himself. I pulled my top down and bent down to his level so I could look into his eyes making him know that I was serious and I was sick of his constant pestering.

"Don't you ever think about doing that again, I won't tell you again."

He looked at me with watery eyes still holding himself.

"What the hell Hope, I love you why can't you just give me another chance!"

"You don't deserve it after what you did, you broke my heart after you fucking promised my brother before he died that you would never hurt me and you broke it" standing up I looked at the boy I once loved with my whole heart, who I would have done anything for.

"You were his best friend but you let him down, I will never ever want you again Mason" I wiped away the tears with the back of my hand and ran out of the room, but clueless me wasn't watching where they were heading and I bumped into a hard chest.

"Well freckles I finally found you, I can finally stop the search party."

Callum chuckled to himself whilst he glanced around. Nobody else was around now since college ended, the halls were already dark and all you could hear was mine and Callum's shallow breathing.

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