Chapter 1

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The bell rang and I stood up quickly, my feet getting caught on my guitar case. I'm sure I looked like a duck trying to ice skate, as one of my oldest friends used to tell me, but it wasn't my fault I was in a hurry today. The bus to Olympic Park was directly after third period.

Dashing quickly out of the school and down the sidewalk, I saw a group of girls whispering to each other and gawking at me. I'd started getting a lot of this recently, ever since my song had been on the radio. Unfortunately, my first and only selling song didn't free me from having to perform everyday on the side of the road or in front of a fountain.

I quickly caught the bus and as soon as I found my place in the park, I started setting up. This literally meant taking my guitar out of my black case and starting to play.

I left the case open in front of me, and ten minutes into singing in the midday sun with no one taking notice, a man dressed in a business suit came towards me, something papery in his hand.

I smiled my thanks at him and kept singing. He dropped something into the case and left without a glance.

As soon as the next song was over, I bent down to see that the paper he'd thrown in was actually a dirty napkin.


Looking up, I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand and sighed. Unlike some days, there weren't many people here right now. Maybe I should have just gone back to my dorm...

It felt strange to leave so soon. I usually could stick it out through anything; snow, rain, wind... obnoxious people telling me to get a job. Thanks friends, I have one. And it pays in only one way. I get to play my music.

I smushed my guitar into the case and started to get up to leave, when voices and loud laughter made me look up.

Towering over me were... them.

My very own cliche bullies that had been following me around all year. They usually didn't go past the campus though.

The three of them were Seniors just like me. And yet somehow they were always after me.

"Yah! Short-boy!" One of them exclaimed in very broken English. Guess those classes weren't paying off.

I smiled and stood up.

It was true. They were all much taller than me. But I'd like to think them being idiots made me tall on the inside.

"How are you guys today?" I asked, putting on my most sarcastic smile.

The leader, the oldest, stepped forward and crossed his arms at me.

"You call me Hyung (older male friend) pipsqueak," he snickered.

"Yah! Pipsqueak!" The other two mumbled.

I sighed, pulling at the strap on my shoulder and trying to get past them, but they'd created a wall that they weren't moving from.

I glared up at the oldest one right in my face.

"Listen, dong-geubsaeng (classmate) I really don't have time for this today." I said.

He didn't understand.

"Sigan eobsda (no time) you see?"

I tried to get past them again but the other two grabbed me.

I sighed, getting pushed back and falling to the ground.

"Aiesh!" Damn it, my elbow-

"I don't like how he speaks to you Hyung." One of the others said. He was pretty young. Looked like he was only following because the oldest had said to.

I sighed. "Please just let me go this time."

His English was better and he understood.

"Hyung-" he started but the oldest cut him off.

"Short-boy is ssang-nom (short bastard)." He said, kicking me in the leg.

I knew not to, since they seemed to be walking away now, but this guy was a total moron.

I stood up and whispered under my breath, "Baegchi (idiot)."

Like God wanted me to suffer, all three of them heard me and suddenly the next word out of their mouths had my heart racing-

"Jab-a (get him)!"

My feet moved before my brain did, and suddenly I was running wildly down the street being chased by the three idiots! My guitar held me back a lot, but I kept going, dodging people and bikes, sometimes getting sworn at-

My breath came in loud pants as I swerved to avoid the reach of the other boy, and instead he grabbed the strap of my guitar, swinging me around as I tried to get it out of his hand.

"Hey let go!" I shouted, and without meaning to, hitting him in the face with my guitar, which I totally think was his fault.

"OW!" He cried, releasing me.

The two others were still chasing, so I quickly started running again, past a little store on the corner of the park and down the next street under the already blooming cherry trees.

They were still coming, and they were not tired yet. Meanwhile, my feet were aching and my lungs were burning in such a way that I was terrified I'd collapse any second.

Darting past an old woman, I spotted my only escape.

My heart raced with the idea of what I was going to do, and normally I'd never consider it, but I really couldn't afford a beating today-

"Ppalli! (quick!)" I heard the bullies say. They were catching up.

With one last burst of energy, I jumped on the back of a motorcycle on the side of the road and screamed "Go!" at the driver.

I saw the helmeted man tense up in fear, but he seemed to look back and see the boys chasing me, and suddenly we were off, driving down the road faster than I'd ever gone.

I heard myself scream and I instinctively grabbed onto the driver's waist with one arm, my other one trying to hold onto my guitar which was precariously on my lap right now.

Over the whipping wind going past my ears, I couldn't hear what he was saying, but it was English and he sounded American.

Oh good one Jimin, you've just made an enemy of some foreigner.

He kept driving, down some streets, taking lots of turns, and then when he seemed to think the boys chasing me weren't doing so anymore, he pulled the bike against the curb and turned it off, turning around to me-

"Who the hell are you and what was that?" He said.

I still couldn't see his face but I quickly jumped off, taking my guitar in my arms.

"I'm so sorry sir, but I was being chased by some bullies from my school," I muttered, embarrassed. "I didn't have any other choice."

Mumbling something, he yanked off his helmet and I blinked.

He was Korean- wait, I think I knew him!

"Hang on, you're that guy," I said, trying to place where I'd seen him.

"Shut up, go away." He said.

"No wait... Lee Taemin? That's you, right?"

"And who the hell are you kid?" He asked, leaning on his bike cooly.

"Um, Park Jimin." I extended my hand and he glared at it for a second, then shook it.

Wow, I thought. He was seriously gorgeous. No wonder he modeled for the most famous company in Seoul.

"I- I'm um really sorry about what I did." I tried to say.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter. See you later kid." He started his bike again.

"I'm 24..." I tried to say.

Taemin smirked.

"I'm still your Oppa (cute older guy)." He said, then drove off.

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