Chapter 26

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I was half asleep when I felt warmth on my lips.

My eyes opened and I smiled at him when he pulled away.

Stretching slightly, I sighed.

"Jimin-ssi what are you up to?" I asked him curiously.

Jimin was fully awake, lying next to me with his head propped up on his elbow.

He stared back at me.

"Nothing, Oppa." He said.

I sighed again and quickly checked the time on my phone.

7 am. Far too early.

"Why are you up at this hour?" I asked him.

Jimin-ssi just shrugs, and then I watch as he grabs the edge of the covers in his hand and pulls them slowly. So slowly, until my bare stomach was exposed.

When his eyes flickered back up to mine, it took a lot of my self-restraint to keep from grabbing him...

He looked so gorgeous right now.

"Jimin-ssi give me your hand," I said.

He bit his lip nervously but did it anyway.

I put his small hand over my heart, and felt it stutter for a few seconds and then gradually calm.

"Oppa?" Jimin whispered.

Oh, god, not again.

Whenever we were in this context, and Jimin-ah said that word, with his silky voice, I remember my dream...

That incredible dream, that I still get sometimes if I'm lucky.

"Jimin-ssi," I tried to say, but then his hand is moving down my chest.

I breathed in nervously and looked to him.

He was still biting his lip.

He touched me gently, ever so softly, as if he was still afraid I wouldn't like it.

"Is this okay Oppa?" Jimin-ssi asked me.

I groaned softly, closing my eyes.

"Jimin, you have no idea what you do to me."

When I blinked again, he was staring at his own hand, hovering over my hipbone lightly.

Ah! Fuck it-

And then I was suddenly 100 percent awake. I flipped over and put my hands on either side of his head.

Bending down to kiss him, I felt Jimin-ssi's fingers in my hair.

We were good at kissing each other, I mean, we did it all the time. No, there was no problem there... the problems started when it came to Jimin actually asking for what he wanted.

Often times I'd have to guess. Which, I'll admit, made me very nervous usually.

I knew neither of us were going to be able to calm down at this point, so I hesitantly leaned back from him and smiled when I saw his very blushed face.

"Jimin-ah," I said to him, cupping his face in my hands.

"Yes?" He breathes, opening his eyes to stare up at me.

I smiled, "You have to tell me what you want."

Jimin bit his lip once more.

"Oppa, I don't know-"

I shook my head, trailing my thumb over his swollen bottom lip.

"Yes you do. Just say it."

I saw his inner battle with himself as he wondered if it was worth it to reveal his deepest desires to me...

"Please Jimin, I just want to make you happy." I said.

It was true.

Jimin-ssi blushed and then smiled.

"You do make me happy Oppa."

I nod, "Then tell me..."

Jimin lowered his eyes shyly, and then put his hand to his neck.

My heart raced at the image of him touching himself-

Jimin trailed his finger from under his chin, straight to his navel and then blushed again.

"Kiss me, here to here." He said.

I was of course willing too-

I started at his neck like he showed me, and slowly kissed his skin down the trail he'd made.

Jimin-ssi made soft noises as I did this, and after reaching his bellybutton, I moved my head back to his neck, where I kept kissing him.

My body started growing hotter as I felt Jimin's hands grab onto my arms.

He held onto me tightly and tilted his chin back.

I loved kissing him here. His soft skin, and the feeling of his pulse. But mostly I liked it because of his reactions to it.

I bit his skin softly and Jimin gasped.

Grinning, I did it again, a little harder. But no fangs.

He just dug his nails into my arms and made those soft noises in his throat.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yes, more."

I laughed, "More?"

Reaching my hands down, I grabbed his tiny waist and kept kissing his neck.

I felt all over his chest and soft stomach. Jimin leaned into my touch. He must have liked how warm it was, just like I did.

When I bit his neck softly one more time, Jimin moaned.

"Taemin! Please!"

That sent a shock through my body.

I wasn't aware that my name on his lips was more arousing than hearing him call me "Oppa".

I clenched my teeth and grabbed his wrists.

"What did you call me?" I said, bending down to kiss him once on the mouth.

Jimin sputtered, "Op-Oppa, I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "No, say my name again."

Jimin looked confused.

I kissed him again. Hard.

"Please little one," I muttered against his lips.

My heart was racing.

Jimin-ah looked up at me with his gorgeous eyes, and licked his lips...

"Taemin." He said.

I sighed, kissing him.

"I want you to say my name in between gasps, little one." I told him, moving my hands further down his body.

Jimin moved around restlessly. "I will."

I smiled at him.

"What a wonderful promise..."

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