Chapter 6

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I'd gotten to the coffee shop early. Early enough that I could take the table in the corner without anyone caring too much.

Jimin walked in and spotted me. He'd combed his blond hair, but nervously ran his hand through it as he came over.

"Hello Hyung," He said very quietly as he sat down.

I bit my lip, wondering what I should say to that...

"You know what to call me, Jimin-ah."

Jimin's face turned pink.

Smiling, I said, "I ordered you coffee, but since I don't know what you like, you can get something else."

I watched as he shrugged his small shoulders and peered down at the drink.

"I'm fine with this." He said.

Why was I so nervous?

I tried to drink to distract myself, but I couldn't stop staring at him...

"So you're 27?" He asks.

"That's right." I said, but all I could think about was how pretty his eyes were in the light.

One of them was slightly smaller, and I found myself curious about that too.

"And I'm assuming since I'm here, gay?" Jimin said suddenly.

Only since I met you, I thought.

"Bisexual actually." I blurt out. "And you're in college." I manage to also stammer through the nerves.

Jimin smiled. "Is that all you know about me? Yikes."

I smile at him. I knew a little...

"Are you wearing your pink underwear today Jimin-ah? Should I check?" I smile, touching his knee under the table shyly.

Jimin turns red-

"Yah! Stop it," He cries out.

Some people turn to look at us.

Damn it, I can't afford to be recognised now...

"Oppa, why do you treat me like I'm a child?" Jimin complains.

I don't even have to think about the answer... "Because you're tiny and adorable."

Then I realise what he just said.

"You called me Oppa finally." I say to him, which makes him blush again.

"Sorry I didn't mean-"

I smirk. "No no, it's as it should be little one."

Jimin grumbles something under his breath.

He was adorable...

"What else should I know about you Park Jimin?" I ask him.

"What do you want to know?" He says.

I suddenly realize that I am actually genuinely curious about this man...

"Everything. I want to know everything." I answer.

Jimin seemed to get nervous once again, so I tried distracting him by telling him about me and my story.

Obviously I couldn't tell him everything. And I never would be able to.

That made me sadder than it should have...

"What about you?" I asked him with a sigh.

Jimin seemed to be more relaxed now, and I listened to his story about his sister intently, wondering why he stayed in Korea while his family went so far away.

Then I was talking again. It was too easy to talk to Jimin. I must be careful.

"People think modeling is a selfish and poor career choice, but I think of it like acting. It's just acting."

"Well you're really good at it." Jimin says.

I blush. "For some reason it makes me shy to know you've seen my photos." I say honestly.

"I haven't seen all your photos." Jimin blushed too.

I liked seeing his face all pink and nervous. He was so little and cute, but for some reason I could see a bit of defiance and fury behind his short stature.

Making fun of him seemed to make me happy, since I kept doing it... but if I was honest with myself, I was extremely happy that he'd jumped on my motorcycle that first time we met.

There was something strange about him that made me feel like my story was just getting started, and God knows I used to feel the exact opposite.
"Jimin-ah, I'm glad I met you." I tell him.

Jimin starts coughing and he puts a hand on the table in surprise. "Oh? Why?" He gasps.
I bite back a smile. "You make me wonder about the future."

Jimin swallows nervously, and I feel my heart jump a little when I catch him lick his lips.

I realized I was being strange-
"Sorry," I smile awkwardly. "I just feel different around you."

"I feel short around you." Jimin says quickly.

Laughing, I say, "You are short little one."

Jimin kicked me underneath the table and I couldn't stop from smiling. He was too cute.

Something shined for a moment in Jimin's eyes, like I'd answered all the questions he'd ever had. Then it was gone...

He and I kept talking, me, every now and then inadvertently staring at him. Then I checked my phone and suddenly it was time for me to leave...

Jimin came with me outside, and I saw him tilt his head up, closing his eyes momentarily and taking a deep breath.

His lips parted and I felt that urge I'd been having all day to just grab him and kiss him. But I couldn't do that, not yet. This was still too new.

I walked slower so Jimin could keep up with me, but he kept doing cute things that made me just want to tackle him!

"I'll call you next time... " Jimin mumbled shyly as he stopped walking.

Ah! Screw it!

Not even caring if anyone saw me, I put a hand behind Jimin's neck and bent my head to kiss him on the cheek.

It all happened in a split second and when I pulled away and let go of him, Jimin was staring up at me in a familiar way-

"Oppa?!" He said suddenly.

He was clearly shocked.

But I'd had to do it. Even if he never wanted to see me again.

I left quickly, but the expression on Jimin's face as I did leave made me think, just maybe, he actually would call me next time... 

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