Chapter 17

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"I'm taking my own advice," Taemin smiles, kissing me once on the lips and then spinning around his kitchen.

I laugh. "Why are you so happy?"

He looked like a little kid... too cute.

Taemin sighed. "I'm finally out of my contract with that company. No more Hattie!"

"Amen to that!" I muttered.

He smiled. "But now I have an audition for a freelance shoot." He says. "I'll be home before you know it. Don't go to bed without me."

I blush. "When do I ever do that...?"

"Um, the last three nights?"

I bite my lip. "Sorry."

He shrugs, grabbing my hand from the counter and placing it on his chest.

"I figured that eventually you'd start missing me, but, not yet..." he says quietly like it was a secret.

I blushed again.

"I do miss you, I've just been tired. School is almost over."

Taemin nods, stepping closer.

"And I'm more proud of you than you know, nae salang, neomu jalangseuleowo (my love, so proud)."

I smile.

"But wait for me tonight even if you're completely exhausted. I need you tonight." He says, sending fireworks through my chest.

I nod.

"Hey-" he says, bringing my face up to his. Taemin Oppa smiles shyly.

"Salanghae (I love you)."

I swallow.

He'd said he was leaving, but now he was getting closer...

"See you soon." He says, jumping up and rushing out the door.

I shiver.

Ugh, it was cold in here without him.

I got up, meaning to go to bed to get warm but then I realized I'd probably fall asleep if I layed down...

I sighed and stepped into Taemin's closet awkwardly. It probably didn't matter if I borrowed a sweater, right?

Far in the back of the closet, something shiny and metal caught my eye...

When I pushed some clothes away, I saw that it was a fridge.


I frowned, trying the door. It was locked.

Why does he have a fridge hidden back here?

I smiled... well, maybe he gets hungry in the middle of the night. That's cute.

I went back to grabbing a sweater off the hanger, but I was too short to reach. Go figures.

Standing up on my toes to pull it down, I also managed to somehow knock over some boxes on the top shelf and they came toppling down on me.

I yelped, falling to the floor with papers flying all around me.

Aish! What a mess!

I should hurry and clean it up before Oppa gets back...

I started grabbing papers and pictures and putting them all delicately back where they belonged...

Suddenly, my hands grabbed a photo and when I looked down at it, my heart skipped a beat.

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