Chapter 21

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We'd been kissing slowly for a while now... it was literally the best thing ever. I never feel more relaxed than when Taemin is touching me in some way.

Eventually, as I start waking up more and more, it seems to dawn on me, after all that, that I'm kissing a vampire.

My heart races as I start feeling nervous again. Thoughts raced through my head, like; why aren't his fangs out now? Does he want to drink my blood? Would I say no if he did? Could Taemin Oppa kill me in a second if he decided he wanted too?

I tried to push those thoughts aside, but it was hard too...

He must have felt me shrink away from him, because his hands wound around to my waist and pulled me closer gently.

"Is everything okay?" He said in his deep voice that only appeared when he was turned on.

I felt my heart race. Could it have raced from fear though? I wasn't sure anymore...

I knew I loved him, but was that enough? Could I really do this?

"I'm fine," I told him, forcing myself to actually look fine.

Taemin narrowed his eyes at me like he knew I was lying.

I blushed. How do I prove that I'm okay?

I really didn't want him to feel bad, no matter how scared I was.

And, no matter how nervous I felt, I knew deep down that Taemin would never let anything happen to me as long as he lived.

I smiled at him as best I could, and under the blankets, moved one of my knees to the other side of his hips so I was leaning over him.

I put my hands on his chest, and for a moment, I totally forgot about the vampire thing, because he looked so absolutely gorgeous and young and in love with me...

Taemin's eyes stared up into mine, and I watched and felt his chest rise and fall with his quick breathing.

"Jimin-ah," he said quietly. "Only do what you want to do." He said.

I felt myself blush.

What did I want to do?

For some reason, the image of his mouth on my neck as his fangs pierced my skin came directly to my mind, but I shivered nervously and pushed it away...

Must be an intrusive thought or something. I really didn't want that.

So I leaned down to kiss him, and seconds and minutes later I was still kissing him as he pulled my shirt off, and then my pants, and then I don't know how long we were together like that because when we are, time completely doesn't exist for me.

Collapsing onto the other side of the bed, trying to sort through my feelings while listening to him gasp for breath, it was absolutely clear in my mind that no matter what happened, he was mine and I was his and I would love him for the rest of my life.

And that knowledge scared me more than his eating habits did...

The idea that I could care so much about someone, to the point where, if he was sad, so was I and if he said he needed me, I'd do anything for him.

Taemin Oppa rolled over, still gasping, and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.

"You're unbelievable." He rasped.

I swallowed, my heart racing uncontrollably.

"I love you," I said, looking up into his eyes.

I watched them shine slightly brighter at my words, and then he smiled.

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