Chapter 37

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Taemin had rented a car when he'd gotten here. He drove us back to his hotel after the coffee shop, which was really close, but it felt like it took forever since I couldn't wait to get him alone.

My heart wouldn't stop hammering when we got into the elevator and it took us up to the 3rd floor. He kept risking glances over to me.

"I won't touch you." He said.

This statement sounded almost like a question.

I could also hear in Taemin's voice, how much he wished it was a lie too....

I forced myself to reach out and grab his hand. He kept his slack by his side, and just let me hold it.

Okay. I could do that. I could touch him as long as he didn't touch me.

Even though I wish he would, I still couldn't handle it.

"I can manage touching you." I say to him, as the elevator doors open.

My heart was still racing in my chest-

Taemin nodded, letting my hand go as he took me down the hall to his room.

I couldn't keep myself from admiring how he walked.

I missed him so much, and now he was here, right in front of me, luring me back to his place. And I suddenly wanted nothing more than to completely lose myself with him....

Taemin opened the door, stepped inside, and I followed him into the dark room, my heart still beating rapidly.

I wanted him.

The second he closed the door, my hands were on him, grabbing his shirt collar and pushing him against the wall.

Taemin groaned, but he didn't try to touch me.

I was scared, well, my body was. But it was also on fire, as I reached my hands up to touch his neck, and his face.

We couldn't really see each other, but I didn't think that mattered, since we both already knew everything....

"Touch me." I heard him gasp softly.

Excitement raced through me as I stood up on my toes and crushed my lips against his desperately. Trying to communicate all the pain I'd been in, and how it had only gotten worse when I'd left him.

I knew now, that I'd never really leave him. Taemin was everything to me....

He didn't kiss me back at first, but I knew he wanted to, so I slipped my tongue past his lips gently, letting him know it was okay.

Taemin sighed again in relief and kissed me, hard-

My heart was burning now. I closed my eyes and just went with it.

Against my mouth, Taemin muttered;

"Take my shirt off."

I moaned. Yes. Please.

Frantically, I lowered my hands to his shirt and started unbuttoning it. 

When I finally got it off him, I placed both my hands on his bare chest.

Taemin put his hands behind his back and clasped them together, in an attempt to keep from grabbing me.

"Thank you," I panted, my eyes focusing on his in the darkness.

I could make out some of the shapes now....

His face, his shoulders, his arms behind his back, and the curves and lines of his chest and abs. I bent my head forward to kiss his collarbone gently, and I heard him suck in a breath.

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