Chapter 34

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He looked like a deer in the headlights.

I didn't mean to startle him...

I didn't even mean to see him here. I was literally walking back to my hotel, when I spotted a grinning Jimin, holding onto his guitar like it was a life preserver.

"You look happy." I manage to say, as he exhales my name.

Jimin shakes his head.

I frown. "You're not happy?"

He looks so confused.

I sigh. "We don't have to talk now. Just so you know, I'm staying at The Renaissance Hotel a few blocks from here. Come say hi if you want, little one."

I don't like the look in Jimin's face.

Like, I interrupted something important.

Like maybe he didn't want me here...

I tried to turn away, leave him for now, but then he said my name again.

"Oppa." He said.

I blinked and turned back to him.

Now Jimin looked mad.

"Why are you here?" He asked, gazing at me with fire in his eyes.

"I had to see you."


"Because I missed you, little one."

Jimin pouts. "Don't call me that. We broke up."

I don't want to feel those words... but I do.

They hurt.

"If you don't want to see me, tell me now." I say.

He hesitates.

I suddenly want more than anything to hold him. Touch him. Oh, Jimin. Don't look so lost. I'm here now, and I still want you.

I take a hesitant step toward him.

Jimin doesn't move.

His eyes are locked on mine.

What was that? Fear?

Shit, was he afraid of me?

My heart sank as I realized maybe Jimin still didn't want me to touch him.

When I reach a hand out towards him, my fears are confirmed.

Jimin's eyes widen and he takes a step back.

I drop my hand. Why does it feel like my heart is breaking?
I blink. "Will you at least consider meeting me somewhere then?" I ask him.

Jimin-ssi swallows.

"Not your hotel. Somewhere else."

I want to ask why... I really just wanted to be alone with him.

"Okay." I say. "The coffee shop down the street. Is that neutral ground enough for you?"

Jimin nods. "Tomorrow. 2pm, don't be late or I'll leave."

I can't help my smile.

Jimin... when did you get so intense and commanding?

I liked it more than I should have.

I nod at him, keeping my eyes locked on his.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I say.

Jimin's eyes flicker to my mouth, but then he pulls himself away and hurries off down the street- his guitar in his hands.

Jesus. What was I going to do about him?!

Jimin wouldn't, or couldn't let me touch him.

I let myself wonder briefly, if maybe he'd met someone else.

That thought was torture...

Oh. Torture.

Well I guess I couldn't blame Jimin-ssi for being hesitant.

My heart raced as I realised, maybe he was still in pain. Maybe he still had bruises that he didn't want me to touch or see....

I get back to my room and wait for tomorrow to come.

Oh, Jimin. What am I going to do with you?

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