Chapter 33

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"Will you be warm enough with just one blanket?" She asks.

I smile. "Ne, (yes) Jenny."

My sister smiles back. "You need to speak English here, Jimin. We're in America." She teased.

I sit down on the bed they keep in the spare room, and try to stay in the here and now.

It had been 36 hours since I left Taemin, but it had already started hurting... to the point where I couldn't breathe sometimes.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Jenny asks, tucking her short black hair behind her ears.

I force myself to smile at her.

"Of course I am."

She nods, then leaves, closing the door.

My parents were in the room across the hall. I hadn't told any of them about Taemin... or about what happened. Why I was here.

Jenny just thought I wanted to see them after graduation, which I suppose was true too.

I managed to lie down in bed without too much pain.

I fell asleep. Not for long.

Nightmares woke me up everytime I closed my eyes.

I was sweating... I was too hot. I kicked the blanket off and tried to calm my heartbeat.

I put a shaking hand to my face and realised I was crying.

I wished Taemin was here. But I also don't, because I'd be afraid then, too....

Not of him, but being touched. By anyone. And Taemin brought back such horrible memories as well.

I hated it. But, I needed to learn to be okay without him.

I burst into tears. Ow! It hurt to cry like this...

I remembered all the good things that have happened between Taemin and I.

Jumping on his bike. "Go!" I shouted.

"I'm still your Oppa..."

... pink underwear... phone numbers scrawled on a magazine... our first date... photoshoot... the gallery... kissing in the alleyway... the photo I sent him, and then his response... that night... loving him.

I started crying more, when I thought about all the bad things that had happened since I met him too.

Hattie. Bullies. Vampires. His family. Leaving him.

I woke up the next morning, still crying when I slipped my shirt off, searching through my suitcase for a new one.

I felt like an idiot.

Of course, it had to be then, Jenny walked in without knocking.

I quickly wiped the tears away, but Jenny was staring at my body. The bruises and cuts...

"Jimin!" She gasped, putting a hand to her face. "What happened?"

I frowned.

Screw it.

I cried again, collapsing on the floor.

Jenny stood there, confused and stunned for a second, then she came to sit next to me against the side of the bed.

She didn't touch me, and I was glad for that.

"What happened?" She asked again.

I sniffed. "His name's Taemin." I blurted out.

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